Ok so my new step-dad as of 3 1/2 weeks has really been on my nerves, me & myfamily had a healthy relationship until he came along (i gave him many chances, but he just really isnt up to par, and i have pretty low standards if i say so myself)
So i actually got into my first shouting arguement today with him before school, eventually leading to me screaming that he just wants the money from our family (my mom's a defense attorney and makes bank) because when i first saw him dating my mom he was pretty slobby and had to share an apartment to pay rent and such, andnow hebuys suits and banana republic wearwith ourmoney (he did buy a mercedes that he's paying for himself until he and my mom get a joint bank account though).He was yelling back how im a spoiled brat (the dude thinks im a spoiled brat 'cuz i have $1000 in my bank account, and thats my savings for a car >_>, over half of which i earned myself)
After school today he came to pick me up,and i had prettymuch gotten overthe arguement, but apparently he hadn't. I get in the car, we dont talk, and on the way inotice hewasn't driving us home. i asked where we were going & if we could go home because i wanted to get my wallet and cell phone, but he said "no, your gonna go without your stupid materiel goods for a while" (that line made me make this face)
so after about 20 minutes of driving and me daydreaming, i start to notice all the cool graffiti on the buildings around, and me being a big fan of graffiti, started to take notice on where the hell we were were, i noticed the rundown houses, different colored gangs (since when has purple become a gang color?) and asked my step-dad what we were doing, & he replied along the lines of:(in the most cliched way) "take a look around, do you see all this?, you have it so good, and dont even realize it. I used to live here, i had to survive here, and it made me a man. You have money, security, and a loving family (me thinking "all except you"), and i think you need to should try harder to accept the fact that im a part of the family now. Don't you think if i made it off these streets then i could make it with you and your mother?" (that last part made me almostlol)
I just kinda BS-ed him and said "whatever", because i was finding this a pretty unsucceessful attempt for my stepdad to promote himself as a good father, and i was getting pissed off since he was wasting my time & i needed tostudyfor STAR testing(kind of hypocritical since im taking even more time up right now to tell you guys this story)
After a while we are still cruising through the hood (i dohave to admit though, its a dump, i wish our governer would help put some money into these neighborhoods) and eventually stopped in some parking spot inbetween some stores, because my idiot of a step-dad got uslost(psh...and i thought he was hoodsmart...)and had to pull a map out of the glove compartment to get directions. Hegot outside of the car with a map in hand and walkeddown the streetto find what street we were on, and so i went of daydreaming again. He comes back not half a minute later with his hands up in the air with three guys behind him shoving him towards the car, one had a gun (it looked like a colt .45 but kinda smaller) and another guy had a knife. The third one opened the car and pulled me out and emptied my pockets..only to find a half eaten packet of icebreakers, and a reminder i had written myself to call a friend, and a pencil for the testing today. My step-dad on the other hand had his wallet, watch (not a rolex but some kind of nice watch), cellphone,his shoes (they were LOAFERS!!! who the hell in the hood wears loafers???) and his car keys.The guy with the knife put us up against the wall while the others got in the car, and they alldrove off.
Now i admit, i was pretty scared when it happened, but after they left i kinda snapped out of it and thought "ok i really needto go home", so i went toa liquor store by the corner, asked the clerk for their store phone, called the police, told them about the car, and told them were we were so a squad car could come pick us up. i came back to where our car was stolen and my stepdad was justprancing around, having amini-freakout about what just happened, doing nothing to improve our situation (which is kinda understandable, since he lost a lot more then me, heh) but it was kinda wierd me having the play the role of the responsible person. The cops come and get a statement from us, and then put us in the back so we can get aride home. It was a pretty silent drive and so i decieded to be an evil litte ****er and ask the cops "so is there a chance the car will be recovered?" and one of the cops responded "not likely, if we don't catch them within the first couple hours they tend to go off the radar pretty quickly"
Golden. i meanthe look on my stepdad's face.... i wish i could have a picture of him mounted on my ceiling above my bed every night so i could laugh myself to sleep.
so we end up home and i explain to my mom what the idiot she married did (he was still in a shock-like trance, and still kinda is now) and my mom, being a lawyer, kept her composure, but said to him in the most chilling way "we can get you new loafers, but you can forget about me paying for the 'benz", while i put my cell phone and wallet in my pockets (best fluke ever)
he's locked himself in the bedroom, and im pretty sure i can hear a"The Hills"rerun playing if i can put my ear to the door. (what is he, a teenage girl???)
Now, many of you will probably think this is a terrible thing, that i should be happy that my dad lost so much today, but im not happy, im merely satisfied that he finally felt the sting of karma come back at him. He reallyis a ****up of a guy, and i really dont know why my mom married the dude (im all for a good father figure, lemme repeat that, a good father figure) but i guess in a way, he did help me, and i did become more of a man today (me acting immediatelyafter being robbed was probably the most responsible thing ive done in a looooong time) so i guess that little stroll through the hood was kind of a learning experience (along with learningthe rule of not ever parking a mercedes in south central, that really was the stupidest ****ing thing ever)
so...yup thats my story (sorry about all the intracite details)
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