I was talking to my friend not too long ago online... And it seemed like he attempted suicide through the means of overdosing.
[21:54] Friend: I did it
[21:54] Friend: my plan is complete
[21:54] Me: what did you do?
[21:54] Friend: bye
[21:54] Me: you should call 911
[21:54] Me: you really should, do it for me
[21:58] Friend: I dont feel anything
[21:58] Friend: maybe I need to wait longer
[21:58] Me: cmon, call 911
[21:58] Me: whats your address?
[21:58] Friend: do it for me
[21:58] Friend: xxxx xxx Ave ne
[21:59] Friend: Im doing this because u said so
[21:59] Friend: im to embarrassed to
[22:02] Friend: im getting dizzy
[22:03] Me: im talking to 911 now
[22:03] Me: are you alone?
[22:08] Me: adam?
I'm really worried and hope that everything works out fine. The operator at 911 said that the parademics were there, but she didn't know of the status. I haven't been updated yet, nor do I know the time that I will be. So right now I'm just crossing my fingers, hoping that everything will turn out all right.
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