My Dad loves fishing. I can tolerate it. However we're going on a boat with a guide for 5 - 6 hours tomorrow. I hate going with guides. It's just me, my Dad, the guide, and my brother. I hate going with guides because I have never met them. I don't enjoy socializing with people I haven't met before.
What's even worse is that I'm a completely different person around my brother. I'm different with my Dad. My brother is a completely different person than he is with my Dad (his step-dad), so I know it's going to be rather awkward the whole time for me.
My Dad thinks I like fishing. I find it incredibley difficult to tell him things that upset him. unlike my mother, he makes me feel guilty about things. I didn't want to learn the song "Hotel California" for Classical guitar, and he went into a 10-minute lecture about it one time. When I quit little league baseball (we moved), I would hear about it every now and then for about a year.
I don't want to have to put up with that guilt trip. I really enjoy spending time with my Dad, I just really can't stand it when he gets the guide without even asking me, and I'm practically forced to go. My biggest regret is that I didn't tell him how much I disliked fishing from the start. I'm just gonna grow a pair and put up with getting up and 5:15 A.M. tomorrow, and fishing from 6:30 A.M. until noon.
Any of you ever been through something like this?
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