I am a senior in high school. I have taught myself a wide variety of topics that fall outside any course taught at my school including Mulitvariate Calculus, Topology, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, Computer Architecture, Japanese, etc. I have also qualified for a state-wide mathematics competition.
Yet despite the fact that I have demonstrated a great proficiency to all my mathematics and science teachers I will be held back from graduating this year. The reason? I'm failing English.
As you can probably guess, I am a Math and Science person. I derive pleasure from cold, hard, logic and rigour. I get somewhat giddy when I develop a mathematical proof or when I observe experiments in the lab going as planned. To me if it can't be quantified or described by formulas then it really isn't worth much trouble to study. That is my first problem with English.
My second problem with English lies in the fact that we're forced to read books that a certain group, or sometimes the certain individual teaching, thinks are worthy of being studied. It then turns into a cold-hearted study of the book with worksheets and deadlines and the ever present teacher holding a gun to your head telling you to understand it the way she does or you fail. You aren't free to work at your own pace and glean enjoyment out of the novel as the medium is intended to be used and this in my opnion is what causes many students to be apathetic towards it.
But the thing I hate most about the entirety of the system is the fact that advancement through the system leans so heavily on English regardless of interests or career goals. Yes, I know that a career in math or science would require a lot of formalized writing but I don't think a physicist will look back on the novels he read in high school and then say to his colleuage "Because Celie had Lesbian Sex with Shug in the Color Purple I believe that Higgs Boson to exist."
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