So if spieces are constaitly evolving into new spieces over long periods of time then I have a few (similar) questions:
1. How come most of the fossil record is either one spieces or another, why don't we see nearly as many "transition" fossils.
2. The same goes for today, why don't we see very many spieces today that are inbetween spieces?
I'm sure you guys have an answer to this, we don't have to make this another one of those religous debate threads, I just want to know.
The fossil record is quite incomplete. In order for an organism to be fossilized the correct conditions and specific circumstances must be in place.
Often times variation exists within a species (think of body size and height in humans for example). Natural selection plays upon these traits with each successive generation to favor individuals who are better suited to their environment. Since this is a gradual process, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between whether the differences between two fossils simply is a result of variation within that population, or if there is enough of a difference to classify the two as separate species.
Additionally, situations can occur (punctuated equilibrium model) where there is a large period of stasis (very little change) followed by rapid change usually triggered by some kind of environmental cue (like a widespread natural disaster or extinction). In this case, most of the species can be wiped out leaving very few to survive (thus very few remaining individuals to leave fossils)
I think we do have in between species. There is us humans, and then inbetween would be gorila's, and the other would be some other land thing that walks on four legs or something.
Humans did not evolve from gorillas. Humans and gorillas (along with Chimpanzees and Bonobos if I remember correctly) are Great Apes and share a common ancestor. Our lineages evolved ALONGSIDE one another from that last common ancestor, and not from one another.
Evolution is fake because it can't explain the origin of life and if you guys think evolution is right then you must also accept "spontaneous generation" which has already been disproven.nVidiaGaMer
Evolution is change over time, it does not explain the origin of life.
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