I've been down here in Brazil for about a month for work, and am headed back to the states today.
What really shocked me coming down here, and what I was unprepared for was the level of poverty across the country. I thought I understood what poverty was before I came down here, but poverty in the U.S. is wealthy by comparison. I drove though a literal shanty town and learned that a PLC manager only makes $4000 a year, when in the U.S. he'd by making more than 80K.
The food is very good. Their meat is far superior to the U.S. in paticular. Which was nice since down here a 5 star restaurant steak is $15.
There is an insane number of prostitutes and is only "frowned upon", not illegal. In fact a manager at the plant In which I was working, asked me and my boss if we wanted to go get prostitutes with him.
The Zeka thing is overblown. I think I've seen about 2 mosquitoes, and I bought a hat that says "Zeka" on it.
There is graffiti everywhere, I think it's a cultural art thing.
They don't have stop signs; driving is terrifying in this country, everybody speeds and seems to have no sense of self preservation. Saw a few deaths on the road....
and oh my god there's so many prostitutes.
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