I'm writing a paper for my political science class where we have to basically say what we learned from this congress committee simulation thing. We have these silly requirements where we have to use 4 pol. sci terms, 3 political people and three quotes (any famous quote).
So I've used a quote from Barack Obama's book, a quote from Hamlet (the teacher said like 20 times quoting Shakespeare will instantly make him happier and "you may recieve a higher score"...lol) and I wanted to use a quote that goes something like "Doing is the best way to learn" for the conclusion (concluding that doing the simulation was a great learning experience).
I'm sure there is a quote like that somewhere but I need to know the exact quote and who said it...Do you know of one like it? THANKS!
Before I post this, I guesss I pretty much have to mention it's a joke and should be taken lightly... "Drugs don't kill people, dangerous minorities do." -some guy on some message boards
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