Alright, well, my iPod has been on it's last leg for awhile (over the last three months I've had to restore its settings about ten times) and now my music collection is larger than the memory on it, so I figure it's finally time to get a new one. But, instead of just buying a new iPod with more room, I would love it if I could get some suggestions of something better. I hear a lot people bashing the iPod, so if there is indeed something better out there I would love to hear about it (the only other one I've really heard about is the Zune, but I've also heard the battery is pretty poor). These are the only things I need from an MP3:
- Best possible sound quality (obviously).
- Battery life of 15 or more hours (and one that lasts a good while, if possible).
- Memory of 80 GBs or more (preferably more).
- Built to last (I'm pretty disappointed with the average life of my last two iPods).
So, any suggestions?
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