It was around 12:45 AM. I was feeling very tired, and there was nothing on TV, so I decided to go to sleep. As I was lying in my bed, I saw a silver light in the sky, and it was reflecting off of my nose. This has never happened before. And I knew that it couldn't of been the moon, because the moon is always on the right side of my house. And this was in the very back of my house.
I sat up, and looked out of the window. It had some sort of glass on the top. And I saw a head inside of the glass. If anything it looked like a one pilot UFO (Probably used for combat). Why I came to this conclusion that It was used for combat you ask? Because I've been to many websites about Aliens, and UFO's, these websites had photos, and in some of those photos it had UFO's chasing pilots like this. And In all of those photos, all of the UFO's seemed to follow the same unique sleek design, looking as if it only had room for one pilot, and looking very manuverable. But I could be wrong.
The one I saw looked as if it had three lights on the bottom then the lights began to blink. Then all of the sudden they stopped. I called for my nephew who was on the top bunk ( I was on the bottom obviously). He said "What?" " I see a UFO, a promise to God that I'm not lying." I stammered. He got out of his bed, turned on the light in the room, and came down to my bunk. I showed him, he believed that it was the moon at first, but I told him that the moon is alwyas on the right side of the house, not in the back. He agreed. He said to set my alarm clock to go off in one hour, if it was still there then it was probably the moon, if it wasn't it had to be a UFO. I said "Alright." He climbed back in his bed, and went back to sleep, I stared at it for a few more moments, I saw that it was 1:00 AM, so I set my alarm clock for 2:00 AM, and went back to sleep. I woke up at 1:58, I noticed that It was too early for the alarm clock to right, so I turned the alarm off, and looked at the sky where it was. It was gone. It had to be a UFO. And I don't care if you believe me or not, I know what I saw.
Have any of you ever had an encounter with a UFO, or alien. If you have then please tell us.
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