Sure, there's nothing inherently wrong with political discourse, but when combined with certain attributes of internet debate (read: ignorance and belligerence), discussion about the upcoming election gets kind of unpleasant.
Honestly, what good does talking politics in OT do? Yes, discussing the merits of your chosen candidate and the flaws of his/her opponent can be very useful when attempting to influence Joe Swing Voter, but Joe Swing Voter probably isn't looking for election-day advice from OT. It's not like anybody's opinion on the presidential race is suddenly going to change because of a biased, ignorant post on Gamespot. If I want to read the opinions of partisan hacks who agree with me, I'll go to the Daily Kos (if you're Republican I'm sure there's a similar equivalent in terms of bias), and if I want to read the opinions of partisan hacks who don't agree with me... well I probably don't want to do that, and you probably don't either.
In real life I'm a rabid Obama fanboy, but in OT I try to put all of that aside and just have fun talking with people who are different from me in some ways but similar in others. When I see posts spewing hate and lies about Obama, that fun has a tendency to disappear. And I'm sure McCain/Palin supporters feel the same way about posts trashing their candidates of choice. So maybe we should just agree to keep our political views to ourselves and go back to the greener pastures of YLYL and girl advice threads.
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