So I have to write a paper about super computers and stuff, and my professor wants us to have a price range of mainframes. Thus, I went on ibm's site to look for that information, as I was on that site a random IM client pops up so I decide to ask the guy on there... Here is our conversation...
Please wait for your IBM representative to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Steven'
Steven:Thank you for accepting our chat service. My name is Steven, how may I assist you?
you:about how much is a mainframe?
Steven:that all depends on licening needs and system requirements
Steven:it can go into the millions
you:just a general average price
you:or price range
Steven:from 500k into the millions
Steven:that's the best i can do
you:how many millions? i've heard up to 40mill
Steven:I cannot give a btter answer than i already have
Steven:without any specifics I cannnot even speculate
you:then whats the most expensive?
Steven:I do not know
Steven:This channel does not handle those kinds of configurations
Steven:that is usually done via a architect for a infrastructure like that
you:can u call someone who would know this?
Steven:I cannot do that
you:why dont you have prices listed on this site or i am retarted and can not find it?
Steven:Those are enterprise systems and generally are custom built supporting thousands of users with millions of dollar of software licensed and the configuration varray so much that pricing on the website would be irrelevant
Steven:mainframes are not typical servers they are used by large companies to be the back bone of their entire organization
Steven:hence their set ups can be extremely complicated
Steven:hence that is why pricing is not avaiulable excepts at the higest of levels
you:yea i know that, im just doing a paper on mainframes and I have to find out the price range on them, soooo i figured that i would come to this site for that information...
you:Ya knowI came to this site thinking that I would find prices quite easily since ibm is the biggest computer software/hardware business. Once I realized the prices weren't listed I was simply just going to google it. However, right before I went to google this very IM client pops up, and you ask me "howmay I assist you?" You had me excited for a moment because I thoughtI wouldn't be having to use google, which is something thatI am tryingto avoid.
Steven:I do apologize but pricing on those systems is not available through this channel or our website
you:you are not assiting me in any way will be in about five minutes...
Steven:I have been as much assistance as I can be
you:now can u explain to me how someone who works for ibm can't even give me an estimate?
Steven:it is because these systems are handled by a specialized team
Steven:and those memebers are not often available
Steven:because of that pricing and requests for it go through a process
you:well then why can't you ask them?
you:don't they have a number for you to call?
Steven:because I do not have access to them
Steven:nothey do not
Steven:like I said there is a process and is intended for end users only
you:i think you are lying to me...
Steven:for project purposes I cannot make any sort of request
Steven:if you need a price forIBM power
Steven:or IBM system X then I can give you a very accurate price
you:i dont need an accurate price just an estimate
Steven:I do not have any pricing documentation at all on those systems
you:im not even buying anything, all im doing is writing a paper about u guys
Steven:I have never even seen a quote for one of those systems
Steven:they are enterprise and the information is considered to be confidential in many ways
Steven:hence I do not have any access to it
Steven:once again I do apologize
Steven:Like I said earlier because this how is the process for these systems is
you:i don't understand why must you be so secretive about your prices, everyone knows they are going to be paying in the millions
Steven:It has more to do with how the software stack on this system will priced out as opposed to the actual hardware.
Steven:The prices can vary so much that having a hardware cost is somewhat irrelevant when the software stack on the systems can cost from 10-15 times more than the actual hardware running it
Steven:not too mention how many aprtitions in a virtual environment will be there
Steven:If I even had a partial quote I would email it to give you a sense of the pricing
Steven:but I really do not have no more information than what is on the website
Steven:all I know is that the pricing is heavily dependant on software and resource activition needs by the end user
Steven:hence the people who work on these systems are generally on site with their clients and are usually unavailable hence why it has to go to a process just to have a potetnial custome rreached out to
you:can u tell me "thee" most expensive possible mainframe?
Steven:If I knew the pricing structure I would certainly tell you
Steven:but like I said I have never seen a single quote or price list for that system so like I said in range speculation lowest would 500k and anything else goes into the millions
you:and you can't get in touch with anyone who would know this...?
Steven:no I don't even know who they would be
Steven:this is just a pre sales channel
Steven:and we mostly deal with midmarket customers
you:well you know the lowest...
Steven:that's from a 5 year old z8
Steven:otherwise like I said I ave not seen or have access to any other price information
you:Can you tell me the highest now?
Steven:No I do not have access to that information
you:You had access to the lowest priced mainframe, so why cant you get it for the highest priced one?
you:can u just shout out in the room you are in, asking for an estimate of the highest priced mainframe?
Steven:I am sorry but on this topic I am truly unable to assist any further than I already have.
Steven:That would get me no where because I am the most senior rep on our team with a hardware focus
Steven:just we don't usually deal with mainframe systems
you:hey, you never know someone in there might know the answer
Steven:one moment I am asking
*15 minute wait*
Steven:ok i asked my sales lead
Steven:and he said the sky is the limit because there are to many variables
Steven:how many systems
Steven:software stack sizes
Steven:possible discounts
Steven:number of licensed partitions
you:screw the discounts i want to know how high are we talking here
Steven:These are extremely customiable and scalable systems and I cannot get any sort of ceiling price for you
Steven:I cannot get that information
Steven:I have to the best of my ability answered your questions
you:You didn't answer jack ****! I am just going to google this now since you are completely wasting my time!
Steven:I apologize but I am now ending this chat
Steven:Goodbye and thank you for chatting with us today.
Chat session has been terminated by the IBM representative.
What would you guys would have done in my situation :P
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