@AFBrat77 said:
More like spot on ;)
Yeah, no dude, it's delusional. Like seriously, if you actually believe all that then you should seek help immediately. The whole "they hate me because I'm beautiful" logic is always a sign that you're out of step with what others actually think of you, and you went to that well a LOT. They're jealous of our freedoms? You do know that there are plenty of other countries with just as many freedoms as us, right? And that we rank lowest of just about all developed countries in terms of living quality? So no,other countries don't "hate us because we have freedom."
In fact, most other countries don't hate us at all, at least not when we refrain from starting illegal wars, banning members of a certain religion from traveling to our country, and forcibly separating families in order to deter immigration. The idea that we're just so perfect and the only reason anybody could hate us is because they're jealous is goddamn insane, especially when there are so many good reasons to be angry with us. We could start with the petulant man-child of a bully we elected to lead us who habitually goes around using aggressive body language as a means of intimidating other world leaders, then work our way down through the refusal to cooperate on climate change, the reneging on treaties, the criticism of international organizations, and the stubborn insistence that we have all the solutions to all the world's problems (see: Jared Kushner's bone-headed statements that he can solve the Palestinian conflict where myriad respected diplomats have failed before him). If you seriously can't take a look in the mirror and honestly assess our country's problems then you have a dangerous lack of self-awareness.
that last bit gets even worse when we can't even solve our own problems. Foreigners see footage of police killings, mass shootings, millions lacking healthcare, millions saddled with student debt, millions struggling to make rent, and then we go around telling them they're screwed up and the only party qualified to fix things is us? That is just the pinnacle of sanctimoniousness. It gets even worse when most of these countries have successfully addressed these issues themselves, but every time an American suggests we emulate them in some way they get shouted down on the basis that America is just plain better than all of them. That's why we don't fix our own issues, because we know better and all those other countries are just suckers for fixing them. No, in fact we're better specifically BECAUSE we don't fix our own issues and are content to go around to people who are struggling and tell them how shit they are for struggling in the first place.
So no, everyone else doesn't hate us, though they may be massively annoyed at our pointless, self-defeating intransigence. And yes, there are some people and countries who do hate us, but it's not because of our freedoms. Usually it's because we supported an illegal coup or interfered in elections or stoked violence in order to impose our own will on other countries. You can come up with all the justifications you want, but if bombs started dropping in your neighborhood you'd be pissed off at whoever was dropping them too, regardless of their reasons.
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