It has nothing to do with Islam or Christianity or Judaism.
Some people are just violent. There will be always be egotistical people who want to hurt other people.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
It has nothing to do with Islam or Christianity or Judaism.
Some people are just violent. There will be always be egotistical people who want to hurt other people.
[QUOTE="fidosim"]At the risk of sounding like a douche, you could argue that Islam is inherently more violent than Christianity, since the central figure of Christianity was a man who never led an army, preached that "those who live by the sword die by the sword," and was put to death by the state while allegedly asking God to forgive his executioners; whereas the central figure of Islam was an expansionistic warlord who was apparently capable of great brutality, and whose successors created through force a worldly community stretching from Portugal to the borders of India.limpbizkit818This is true. I never understood why so many people white knight for Islam and the writings of its 6th century warlord. Baffles me at times. Don't give a flying f*ck about the religion, as in my eyes it's as flawed as every other Abrahamic religion (if not slightly worse), but people tend to group the followers of Islam in with their criticism of the religion, making very bigoted and occasionally racist remarks along the way.
[QUOTE="limpbizkit818"][QUOTE="fidosim"]At the risk of sounding like a douche, you could argue that Islam is inherently more violent than Christianity, since the central figure of Christianity was a man who never led an army, preached that "those who live by the sword die by the sword," and was put to death by the state while allegedly asking God to forgive his executioners; whereas the central figure of Islam was an expansionistic warlord who was apparently capable of great brutality, and whose successors created through force a worldly community stretching from Portugal to the borders of India.majoras_wrathThis is true. I never understood why so many people white knight for Islam and the writings of its 6th century warlord. Baffles me at times. Don't give a flying f*ck about the religion, as in my eyes it's as flawed as every other Abrahamic religion (if not slightly worse), but people tend to group the followers of Islam in with their criticism of the religion, making very bigoted and occasionally racist remarks along the way.
Like with all religions, there are people that strictly follow all of said religion's guidelines and rules no matter what, even if it includes projecting tyranny on people of different opinions...
I don't know if peopel here know it but if people that belive in the Islam die... They will go to a good place with some virgins if im right...
According to the extremists (I'm not sure if what they believe is mistranslated from the Quaran), they want to convert everybody into Muslims while killing whoever they think are "infidels." There's a book called "Infidel" by Ayaan Hirsi Ali that I recommend if you want to learn about fundamentalist Muslim beliefs,,
Feel free to correct me if I get anything wrong
Yes, Christianity has had it's times of bloodshed and terror, however it has moved with the times and realised that you can't do that in this day and age. Christians aren't driving planes into buildings.
Islam is definitely not a peaceful religion, regardless of how many crazy followers it has.
Whether other religions are equally violent is irrelevant.
Islam is definitely not a peaceful religion, regardless of how many crazy followers it has.
Whether other religions are equally violent is irrelevant.
Islam is violent. Just because christianity is also violent, doesnt make islam any less violent.sonicareMy sentiment exactly.
As far as I know most religions aren't violent in themselves but its the people who abuse and miss interpret thier religion that are violent.
I don't think there is one religion that is more violent than the other. In fact, even though I don't agree with religion, I believe it is inherently good as far as what people are supposed to take from it. I think people use a holy book as an excuse to conduct their own illicit behavior which comes natural to them without the command of the creator, but thanks to the holy book, people can hide how they're naturally sick in the mind by saying that "God wills it" and because of that, does the idea of religious extremists come about when they're just naturally deluded.
Islam isn't violent, nor is Christianity.chessmaster1989I agree with this, it is what people make of them.
They're shooting up kids on remote islands in Norway instead.Yes, Christianity has had it's times of bloodshed and terror, however it has moved with the times and realised that you can't do that in this day and age. Christians aren't driving planes into buildings.
*Sigh* Lets begin. The misinformation/slander of Muhammad (PBUH) is quite saddening.
Quick histroy lesson:
The various tribes of the Arabs during pre-Islamic history were arguably some of the most morally depraved peoples on the planet (At least during that time period). The tribes were locked in a state of constant warfare, the victors eliminating every member of the opposing tribe (Including women and children). Racism was rife within Arabia, the ideological norm being that Arabs are superior to every other race, and subsequently, enslavement of other races due to an inferiority complex was common. Infanticide was a common practice, burying baby girls alive after they were born just because they were females. Women were literally sold as commoditites and were actually owned, having no legal or basic human rights. Orphans, having no family ties to offer them support in a tribal society, were sold as slaves, or if they had wealth, they would be married off so that the family could steal their inheritence. The rich would usurp the poor, exploiting them with crushing interest, forcing many to become slaves. Not ot mention the fact that most Arabs were pagans who worshipped a variety of deities/idols. I could literally continue for paragraphs, but regardless/
Muhammad (PBUH) in only 23 years:
I can further elaborate on many more virtuous accomplishments that Muhammad carried out, but ill just leave it at this
True, but have you ever read the books of the Abrahamic religions? They certainly encourage violence - at least in the name of God.It has nothing to do with Islam or Christianity or Judaism.
Some people are just violent. There will be always be egotistical people who want to hurt other people.
How much did you get paid to post this?*Sigh* Lets begin. The misinformation/slander of Muhammad (PBUH) is quite saddening.
Quick histroy lesson:
The various tribes of the Arabs during pre-Islamic history were arguably some of the most morally depraved peoples on the planet (At least during that time period). The tribes were locked in a state of constant warfare, the victors eliminating every member of the opposing tribe (Including women and children). Racism was rife within Arabia, the ideological norm being that Arabs are superior to every other race, and subsequently, enslavement of other races due to an inferiority complex was common. Infanticide was a common practice, burying baby girls alive after they were born just because they were females. Women were literally sold as commoditites and were actually owned, having no legal or basic human rights. Orphans, having no family ties to offer them support in a tribal society, were sold as slaves, or if they had wealth, they would be married off so that the family could steal their inheritence. The rich would usurp the poor, exploiting them with crushing interest, forcing many to become slaves. Not ot mention the fact that most Arabs were pagans who worshipped a variety of deities/idols. I could literally continue for paragraphs, but regardless/
Muhammad (PBUH) in only 23 years:
- Ended racism/discrimination agaisnt peoples of all ethnicities/races, forming one of the most tolerant socieites on the planet
- Ended the disgustingly rampant practice of infanticide/female abortions
- Gave women proper human rights that nearly all of Europe hadn't even established until centuries after (EX. Right to an education, owning property, inheritience rights, divorce rights, etc)
- Established an ethical code of war that has forbidden the killing of innocent civillians (Especially women and children), destruction of property, slaughter of livestock, etc. It's also fornidden to transgress (initiate war) against any group of peoples, unless they are aggressors. (BTW, Islam is the only religion on the planet, at least monotheistic, with these set of principles established)
- Ended pervasive poverty, as the mandaotry tax muslims must pay in charity was allocated efficiently to the poor and needy
I can further elaborate on many more virtuous accomplishments that Muhammad carried out, but ill just leave it at this
I'm not a big fan of religion, but thats a pretty poor comparison IMO TC. The crusades happened a thousand years ago back when people thought the earth was flat and girls got married when they were 12.
Muhammad (PBUH) in only 23 years:
- Ended racism/discrimination agaisnt peoples of all ethnicities/races, forming one of the most tolerant socieites on the planet
- Ended the disgustingly rampant practice of infanticide/female abortions
- Gave women proper human rights that nearly all of Europe hadn't even established until centuries after (EX. Right to an education, owning property, inheritience rights, etc)
- Established an ethical code of war that has forbidden the killing of innocent civillians (Especially women and children), destruction of property, slaughter of livestock, etc. It's also fornidden to transgress (initiate war) against any group of peoples, unless they are aggressors. (BTW, Islam is the only religion on the planet, at least monotheistic, with these set of principles established)
- Ended pervasive poverty, as the mandaotry tax muslims must pay in charity was allocated efficiently to the poor and needy
I can further elaborate on many more virtuous accomplishments that Muhammad carried out, but ill just leave it at this
1. It's true that Islam isn't racist, but that doesn't mean it's a tolerant religion. Far from it. Also, on a related note, Islam still allows slavery.
3. So what? Islam allows spousal abuse (Qur'an 4:34), encourages female subordination, forbids wives to go out without their husbands' permission and says that wives who refuse to have sex will be cursed by the angels unless they have a "good reason" to abstain from sex. Also, Islam has unfair inheritance laws that put women at a disadvantage relative to men, condones sexual slavery, has a victim-blaming stance with regards to sexual assault, and, finally, is full of teachings that emphasize the low status of women (women are deficient in intelligence and religion, the majority of people in hell are female, women were the first fitna for the Jews, etc.). And while Islam doesn't explicitly discourage women from getting an education, it does discourage women going outside because of "temptation" and the irrational fear of premarital sex. There's probably much more I'm forgetting. Go look this sh*t up if you think I'm lying. I could be wrong about some things but I am certain that Islam is biased towards men.
4. Wrong. Jihad is not only defensive. There is also offensive jihad, which most reputable Islamic scholars regard as obligatory.
Sounds like they're making everybody equal.*Sigh* Lets begin. The misinformation/slander of Muhammad (PBUH) is quite saddening.
Quick histroy lesson:
The various tribes of the Arabs during pre-Islamic history were arguably some of the most morally depraved peoples on the planet (At least during that time period). The tribes were locked in a state of constant warfare, the victors eliminating every member of the opposing tribe (Including women and children). Racism was rife within Arabia, the ideological norm being that Arabs are superior to every other race, and subsequently, enslavement of other races due to an inferiority complex was common. Infanticide was a common practice, burying baby girls alive after they were born just because they were females. Women were literally sold as commoditites and were actually owned, having no legal or basic human rights. Orphans, having no family ties to offer them support in a tribal society, were sold as slaves, or if they had wealth, they would be married off so that the family could steal their inheritence. The rich would usurp the poor, exploiting them with crushing interest, forcing many to become slaves. Not ot mention the fact that most Arabs were pagans who worshipped a variety of deities/idols. I could literally continue for paragraphs, but regardless/
Muhammad (PBUH) in only 23 years:
- Ended racism/discrimination agaisnt peoples of all ethnicities/races, forming one of the most tolerant socieites on the planet
- Ended the disgustingly rampant practice of infanticide/female abortions
- Gave women proper human rights that nearly all of Europe hadn't even established until centuries after (EX. Right to an education, owning property, inheritience rights, divorce rights, etc)
- Established an ethical code of war that has forbidden the killing of innocent civillians (Especially women and children), destruction of property, slaughter of livestock, etc. It's also fornidden to transgress (initiate war) against any group of peoples, unless they are aggressors. (BTW, Islam is the only religion on the planet, at least monotheistic, with these set of principles established)
- Ended pervasive poverty, as the mandaotry tax muslims must pay in charity was allocated efficiently to the poor and needy
I can further elaborate on many more virtuous accomplishments that Muhammad carried out, but ill just leave it at this
Equally oppressed.
What I don't understand is how people claim Islam to be entirely NON violent. That it does not advocate violence at all under any circumstances whatsoever. I could look up and post quotes that promote violent retributive action from the Q'uran, though then I'd be flooded by responses claiming I'm entirely looking at it out of context, as if for some reason viewing a violent quote IN context somehow all of a sudden makes it non-violent.
"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
That strikes me as fairly brutal. I don't care if it's all in defense of the faith, nor if it's wrapped in the most noble of intentions. It still advocates violence. I'd appreciate hearing how it doesn't, I've made this point before in other threads and no one has been able to explain this to me.
Muhammad (PBUH) in only 23 years:
- Ended racism/discrimination agaisnt peoples of all ethnicities/races, forming one of the most tolerant socieites on the planet
- Ended the disgustingly rampant practice of infanticide/female abortions
- Gave women proper human rights that nearly all of Europe hadn't even established until centuries after (EX. Right to an education, owning property, inheritience rights, etc)
- Established an ethical code of war that has forbidden the killing of innocent civillians (Especially women and children), destruction of property, slaughter of livestock, etc. It's also fornidden to transgress (initiate war) against any group of peoples, unless they are aggressors. (BTW, Islam is the only religion on the planet, at least monotheistic, with these set of principles established)
- Ended pervasive poverty, as the mandaotry tax muslims must pay in charity was allocated efficiently to the poor and needy
I can further elaborate on many more virtuous accomplishments that Muhammad carried out, but ill just leave it at this
1. It's true that Islam isn't racist, but that doesn't mean it's a tolerant religion. Far from it. Also, on a related note, Islam still allows slavery.
The Islamic empires are some of, if not, the most tolerant empires on the planet...The one incident that was a drastic deviation from the tolerance of ISlamic empires was the unfortunate incident of the Armenian Genocide
Under very specific circumstances, but it isn't the same slavery as Europeans practiced, as European slavery was based around the notion of racial inferiority giving justification to enslave a particular group of people. In European slavery, the slaves and their children, in most cases, were enslaved for life. On the contrary, in Islam, any child born from a slave is free, and the slave cannot be enslaved for life. In european slavery, it was also forbidden, again in most cases, to teach slaves, but under Islam, it is strongly recommended. Slaves in Islam are given basic human rights as well, unlike European slaves that were constantly abused
3. So what? Islam allows spousal abuse (Qur'an 4:34), encourages female subordination, forbids wives to go out without their husbands' permission and says that wives who refuse to have sex will be cursed by the angels unless they have a "good reason" to abstain from sex. Also, Islam has unfair inheritance laws that put women at a disadvantage relative to men, condones sexual slavery, has a victim-blaming stance with regards to sexual assault, and, finally, is full of teachings that emphasize the low status of women (women are deficient in intelligence and religion, the majority of people in hell are female, women were the first fitna for the Jews, etc.). And while Islam doesn't explicitly discourage women from getting an education, it does discourage women going outside because of "temptation" and the irrational fear of premarital sex. There's probably much more I'm forgetting. Go look this sh*t up if you think I'm lying. I could be wrong about some things but I am certain that Islam is biased towards men.
Islam DOES NOT allow spousal abuse, as it is one of the largest sins you can commit...If women choose not to have sex with their husbands for no apparent reason, then it would become more likely that the husband would be inclined to commit a sin (Adultery) to fulfill his sexual desires, that its why. That doesn't mean women have to have sex when their husbands desire, but at least have a decent reason...What do you mean unfair inheritence? They obtain, in nearly all cases, the same exact amount...No, sexual slavery is not allowed in Islam. LOL were does it state that "women are deficient in intelligence and religion, the majority of people in hell are female, women were the first fitna for the Jews"? It says women will be the majority of people in Heaven AND Hell, but the rest of that information is not true...
4. Wrong. Jihad is not only defensive. There is also offensive jihad, which most reputable Islamic scholars regard as obligatory.
There is obligatory Jihad in defense...Thats it. BTW, Jihad is not "Holy War"...
At the risk of sounding like a douche, you could argue that Islam is inherently more violent than Christianity, since the central figure of Christianity was a man who never led an army, preached that "those who live by the sword die by the sword," and was put to death by the state while allegedly asking God to forgive his executioners; whereas the central figure of Islam was an expansionistic warlord who was apparently capable of great brutality, and whose successors created through force a worldly community stretching from Portugal to the borders of India.fidosim
Hypocritical much? Anyway let's look at the leaders of the two religions. Mohammed I believe was a Jesus....turned the other cheek. /threadLJS9502_basic
Perhaps you should read up on early Muslim history to get context and see what 'actually' happened rather than making statements with no real knowledge of what you're talking about, no? (note that I put 'actually' in quotes because there is a good deal of scholarly debate among historians surrounding the events during Muhammad's life and shortly thereafter)
And this goes not only for fidosim LJ, but for everyone in this thread making similar claims.
Hypocritical much? Anyway let's look at the leaders of the two religions. Mohammed I believe was a Jesus....turned the other cheek. /threadLJS9502_basicReally Matthew
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Hypocritical much? Anyway let's look at the leaders of the two religions. Mohammed I believe was a Jesus....turned the other cheek. /threadchessmaster1989
Perhaps you should read up on early Muslim history to get context rather than making statements with no real knowledge of what you're talking about, no?
And this goes not only for LJ, but for everyone in this thread making similar claims.
Have you ever heard of the GREEN FLAG OF MUHAMMED? Did you know the messiah is represented as a ensign or flag? Their green flag and suicide bombings are part of their faith! to Islam the war is on.[QUOTE="chessmaster1989"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Hypocritical much? Anyway let's look at the leaders of the two religions. Mohammed I believe was a Jesus....turned the other cheek. /threadehhwhatever
Perhaps you should read up on early Muslim history to get context rather than making statements with no real knowledge of what you're talking about, no?
And this goes not only for LJ, but for everyone in this thread making similar claims.
Have you ever heard of the GREEN FLAG OF MUHAMMED? Did you know the messiah is represented as a ensign or flag? Their green flag and suicide bombings are part of their faith! to Islam the war is on.The flag is black not green.[QUOTE="DarthJohnova"]They're shooting up kids on remote islands in Norway instead.That was ONE lunatic and is no way a representative of the religion as a whole.Yes, Christianity has had it's times of bloodshed and terror, however it has moved with the times and realised that you can't do that in this day and age. Christians aren't driving planes into buildings.
[QUOTE="DarthJohnova"]They're shooting up kids on remote islands in Norway instead. One example of a guy who was declared to by psychotic...really?Yes, Christianity has had it's times of bloodshed and terror, however it has moved with the times and realised that you can't do that in this day and age. Christians aren't driving planes into buildings.
[QUOTE="Ilovegames1992"]Give this man a medal, you speak the truth Jewish doesn't have violence in their history? Might want to read the OT.Except for Buddhists and Jews and Sikhs, all the religions kunts.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Hypocritical much? Anyway let's look at the leaders of the two religions. Mohammed I believe was a Jesus....turned the other cheek. /threadDarkOfKnightReally Matthew
[QUOTE="wii60_3"][QUOTE="Ilovegames1992"]Give this man a medal, you speak the truth Jewish doesn't have violence in their history? Might want to read the OT.Except for Buddhists and Jews and Sikhs, all the religions kunts.
[QUOTE="fidosim"]At the risk of sounding like a douche, you could argue that Islam is inherently more violent than Christianity, since the central figure of Christianity was a man who never led an army, preached that "those who live by the sword die by the sword," and was put to death by the state while allegedly asking God to forgive his executioners; whereas the central figure of Islam was an expansionistic warlord who was apparently capable of great brutality, and whose successors created through force a worldly community stretching from Portugal to the borders of India.chessmaster1989
Hypocritical much? Anyway let's look at the leaders of the two religions. Mohammed I believe was a Jesus....turned the other cheek. /threadLJS9502_basic
Perhaps you should read up on early Muslim history to get context and see what 'actually' happened rather than making statements with no real knowledge of what you're talking about, no? (note that I put 'actually' in quotes because there is a good deal of scholarly debate among historians surrounding the events during Muhammad's life and shortly thereafter)
And this goes not only for fidosim LJ, but for everyone in this thread making similar claims.
Facts are facts. Muhammed did lead raids and was called a warlord. You want to revise history.....but that doesn't change it chess.[QUOTE="chessmaster1989"][QUOTE="fidosim"]
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Hypocritical much? Anyway let's look at the leaders of the two religions. Mohammed I believe was a Jesus....turned the other cheek. /threadLJS9502_basic
Perhaps you should read up on early Muslim history to get context and see what 'actually' happened rather than making statements with no real knowledge of what you're talking about, no? (note that I put 'actually' in quotes because there is a good deal of scholarly debate among historians surrounding the events during Muhammad's life and shortly thereafter)
And this goes not only for fidosim LJ, but for everyone in this thread making similar claims.
Facts are facts. Muhammed did lead raids and was called a warlord. You want to revise history.....but that doesn't change it chess.Can you link me to some historical texts which prove Muhammad led raids pleas. Not even disputing it i just like at least some semblance of evidence.
Ah quote mining....let's start here. Show me where he advocated using violence because you have not done so with those quotes. Basically they mean there will be conflict due to His new teachings. You're up....LJS9502_basic:lol: Saying that anybody who loves their family more than him is not worthy of him is NOT saying there will be conflict due to his teachings. He is saying that if you love your family more than him you are NOT worthy of him, and since you need to be in order to get into heaven.......Yeah, not seeing anything positive here. You're up.....
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