The Islamic empires are some of, if not, the most tolerant empires on the planet...The one incident that was a drastic deviation from the tolerance of ISlamic empires was the unfortunate incident of the Armenian Genocide
Under very specific circumstances, but it isn't the same slavery as Europeans practiced, as European slavery was based around the notion of racial inferiority giving justification to enslave a particular group of people. In European slavery, the slaves and their children, in most cases, were enslaved for life. On the contrary, in Islam, any child born from a slave is free, and the slave cannot be enslaved for life. In european slavery, it was also forbidden, again in most cases, to teach slaves, but under Islam, it is strongly recommended. Slaves in Islam are given basic human rights as well, unlike European slaves that were constantly abused
Islam DOES NOT allow spousal abuse, as it is one of the largest sins you can commit...If women choose not to have sex with their husbands for no apparent reason, then it would become more likely that the husband would be inclined to commit a sin (Adultery) to fulfill his sexual desires, that its why. That doesn't mean women have to have sex when their husbands desire, but at least have a decent reason...What do you mean unfair inheritence? They obtain, in nearly all cases, the same exact amount...No, sexual slavery is not allowed in Islam. LOL were does it state that "women are deficient in intelligence and religion, the majority of people in hell are female, women were the first fitna for the Jews"? It says women will be the majority of people in Heaven AND Hell, but the rest of that information is not true...
There is obligatory Jihad in defense...Thats it. BTW, Jihad is not "Holy War"...
True, some of the Islamic empires were tolerant and actually treated non-Muslims well. However, that doesn't make Islam tolerant. Read the unabridged versions of the old tafsirs, which clearly condone violence. They have substantial evidence to back up their claims. And no, these aren't ignorant scholars; they were some of the most pious and influential scholars in the history of Islam, like Ibn Kathir and Al-Tabari. I would show you the verses myself and prove that they are violent and lack tolerance, but I'd rather have you read them for yourself, so you can develop the critical mind that made me leave Islam. Don't read sources from "modernist" or "progressive" scholars, as they usually have no idea what they're talking about.
Oh, yes, I am well aware of how Islam asks Muslims to treat slaves well, but that doesn't change the fact that Islam allowed slavery. Slavery is wrong, not because slavers can be abusive, but because it's an egregious infringement upon liberty (among other things).And sexual slavery is, in fact, allowed; go read the verses that say that men can have sex with their wives and "those whom their right hands possess", which means "captives."
Islam forbids spousal abuse? Then what should I make of Qur'an 4:34? It clearly says that presumably recalcitrant wives should be beaten if sexual abstinence and scolding prove to be useless. Granted, Muhammad said that beating shouldn't be severe, but he did not clearly define "severe" (some scholars say that this means beating a wife with a toothbrush, but I think you can see how absurd that idea is for discipline) did practically ignore a woman who was covered in bruises as a result of spousal abuse. The bottom line is that no one deserves to be beaten, even if he or she is disobedient. Two wrongs never make a right. In fact, disobedience doesn't even exist in a relationship in which both partners are equal. Islam only assumes that disobedience may exist in a marriage because a Muslim husband is supposed to subordinate his wife according to Qur'an 4:34.
Also, why does sex have to be the right of the husband in Islam? Women are just as sexual as men; shouldn't they have an undeniable right to sex as well? And how come the husband can refuse sex when the wife feels that she might cheat on him? I know why: the husband is supposed to "be in charge of" his wive, so any attempt to undermine his authority (i.e. not acquiescing all the time) is not Islamic. Also, I'm pretty sure that people have much more self-control that Islam claims. In any case, this hadith encourages marital rape, because consent is clearly disregarded. No one should have sex against his or her will.
As for inheritance, women generally receive half the amount men receive. Obviously, that's unfair.
The same narration that says that women are stupid is the same one that says that the majority of women are in hell. In fact, it isbecausethey are unintelligent and less religious that they will be the majority in hell, according to Islam. Ergo, many women will go to hell simply for being female. There is no evidence that women will be the majority in paradise. Read Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim to see what I mean. You'll find those ahadith there (including the one about women being a trial to the Jews, IIRC).
Finally, I urge you read the authentic Islamic sources (not extremist at all, mind you) that agree that offensive jihad is obligatory. And while jihad doesn't necessarily mean "holy war", whether or not it does doesn't matter in light of what scholars have said about offensive jihad.
I tried my best to believe that Islam was a perfect religion, but denialism can only go so far.
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