What I don't understand is how people claim Islam to be entirely NON violent. That it does not advocate violence at all under any circumstances whatsoever. I could look up and post quotes that promote violent retributive action from the Q'uran, though then I'd be flooded by responses claiming I'm entirely looking at it out of context, as if for some reason viewing a violent quote IN context somehow all of a sudden makes it non-violent.
"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
That strikes me as fairly brutal. I don't care if it's all in defense of the faith, nor if it's wrapped in the most noble of intentions. It still advocates violence. I'd appreciate hearing how it doesn't, I've made this point before in other threads and no one has been able to explain this to me.
I'll be happy to explain it to you.
One prime example is the passage that states, "And fight for the cause of God those who fight you. But do not be aggressive. Surely God does not like the aggressors." [2:190]
This can clearly be taken out of context; if one were to simply reference it by only saying "And fight for the cause of God," and therefore take it out of context obviously everyone would get the wrong idea. However, you have to look at the passage as a whole, not stop mid-verse. What it means is only to fight if someone else were to attack you first, plain and simple. Right after this, it commands not to be an aggressor, or be the first to transgress with an offensive attack without having first been ambushed or attacked. This is what people mean when they say it must be placed in proper context to be understood.
Another example, "Kill them wherever you find them and drive them out from wherever they drove you out." [2.190-191] "But if they desist, God is truly all-forgiving, merciful." [2:192]
I think it's clear here that one could very easily pick out from this verse and quote it by saying, "Kill them wherever you find them and drive them out," but as this is taken out of context, it gives a completely false conception. It is really trying to say that this type of killing is only permissible as a rebuttal if it was done to you first and you plan on reclaiming what was taken from you. Furthermore, when the enemy ceases to fight, they should be forgiven rather than further proceeding with warfare. Since God is merciful, warfare is not the primary way to go.
I'd say these verses debunk the myths rather directly, wouldn't you say?
Well, I'd say that Islam still advocates violence under the right circumstances. Again, context does not matter. If I said,
"Kill and cut their heads off, but only if you must in defense"
....that's still encouraging violence, is it not? You have given me examples in context, but still have not explained to me how seeing it in context makes it all of a sudden peaceful. When you command someone to attack someone that is attacking them, you are encouraging violence. It doesn't MATTER if it's in self-defense. So is shooting some home invader with your pistol to save your family. That doesn't mean it's all of a sudden peaceful, does it?
Violence is only encouraged when one is left with no other choice. When someone's attacking you, you're going to defend yourself correct? If they back down then you're supposed to leave it at that and forgive...you can only kill when you have to.
The passage you posted is relative only when someone's going to kill you anyway...you can either defend yourself by subduing the enemy (not necessarily by death) or, only if there is no other plausible option, you can kill them in defense. You know there are plenty of cases with that, with many people who are in combat (warfare, etc.). You're not just gonna let someone kill you, you're gonna stop them from doing that. But killing should never be the first response.
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