Hey everybody at GameSpot Off-Topic. If the the Roman Empire in it's heyday were to go to war with the Norse Vikings when they were professional pillagers, who do you think would win?
The Roman Empire probably had a military advantage on in the Field, but the Vikings didn't use conventional tactics that the Romans usually fought.
Sure, neither side has nukes, but they both had gods. Does M.A.D. apply, in this case? I think that the Romans had a bigger god stockpile than the Norse, but the Norse's had longer range, and were more powerful. So, the god-gap doesn't matter. (no I haven't got a source for that one.)
So, my money is on the Romans without gods, but with the Vikings if Gods are used. Yes, I know that the Romans stole Greek gods, but the U.S.S.R. stole nuclear technology from America. Cheap, but it works.
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