A no holds barred bloodbath. They all have their fully leveled weapons, skills, abilities, potions, lotions, whatever.
The Prince of Persia
Ryu Hayabusa
Agent 47
The Marine from Doom
Master Chief
Duke Nukem
Sam Fisher
Gordon Freeman
Marcus Fenix
Max Payne
Nathan Hale
Leon S. Kennedy
well lets see... unarmed people die first, which takes mario out of the equation. then its guns VS. everything else, in which case guns win, which Leaves
Duke Nukem
Master Chief
Doom Marine
And Snake
Snake would be killed off since the element of suprise isnt going to work in a barred match. Duke Nukem, Master Chief, and the doom marine would all be killed pretty quickly just because they dont do too hot in closed spaces. Agent 47 would be killed almost instantaneously since most of his skill is with stealth, along with sam Fisher.
That leaves us with Dante, Gordon Freeman, Nathan Hale, Raiden, Marcus, Max Payne, and Leon Kennedy.
Max payne would be killed off pretty quick, And While marcus's armor is basically a tank, I think that Raiden would take him out with his ninja-ness. Dante or Leon would kill raiden, since he's virtually a superhuman, and both of them are used to dealing with that sort of thing. Gordon freeman would kill nathan hale like it was his job, While Leon is Lifting Marcus's body as cover while Dante wastes all of his bullets on whatever, leaving Leon to kill him.
Leon also has Luck in his human beingness, so between him and gordon freeman, he would end up winning from a fluke.
Very interesting, but I can't see Raiden or Dante dying off too quickly, and Kratos might not have a gun, but the range on his blades is rediculous, with enough speed, he could potentially take out the whole crowd in one fell swoop.
its alot easier to dodge a swinging blade than a bullet, and unless he's aiming for heads I dont think we're looking at instantaneous death, so regardless the people effected by his blades would still have the time to pull the trigger from their death bed. and raiden and dante were in the final 4 so they lasted a while lol
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