As this is another incredibly one-sided battle between a video game character and a comic book one, I thought I'd post Wonder Woman's specs from the DC Wiki just to give non comic book folks an idea of her range.
Superhuman Strength: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of the Earth). Diana is literally as strong as the Earth because of her link to the planet granted to her by Demeter. She is quite possibly capable of lifting anything on Earth. It is obvious her strength is magical in nature, given her height and weight. According to the secret files, Wonder Womans' strength is second only to beings such Superman, Supergirl , and Darkseid. She has godlike strength and also invulnerability due to her aegis-made shield magic bracelets. With her superhuman strength and superior fighting abilities, she has proven to be a match for any of them at one time or another. Later she needed and took out the six other members of the Justice League, in Justice League; League of One. This was done in order to save their lives as well as the entire planet. She is strong enough to lift well over 100 tons with ease.
Superhuman Durability: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of the Earth). High resistance to damage and magical attacks. Her resistance to injury is not quite as great as any of the above mentioned metahumans. However, due to her vast threshold for pain and her amazon ability to heal at a superhuman rate, this easily makes up for the difference. She has withstood considerable bludgeoning damage in the form of hand to hand combat with metahuman opponents (such as Superman and Captain Marvel) and physical damage. She has considerable resistance to human weaponries,though this is not absolute, as she has been injured by gunfire in the past. However,she can easily survive under extreme pressures,cold, and heat. Born of the clay of Themyscira, and given life and divine powers by the gods themselves, Diana has heightened resistance to magical attacks. She is highly experienced in battling foes who use sorcery as a weapon. As a divine creation herself, she is far-less susceptible to manipulation by magic and mental attack than many of her fellow heroes. Her body is also able to survive in extreme environments for long periods of time, like heat, cold, and even outer space, but cannot survive for extremely long periods of time in said environments without oxygen supply.
Flight: Granted by Hermes (God of Messengers). Wonder Woman is capable of unassisted flight through an as yet unknown but probably magical means or through telekenisis. Her aerial maneuverability is not as developed as aerial combatants such as Hawkman or the Black Condor, but she is still a relatively capable aerial combatant as well. Wonderwoman is capable of flying at speeds of greater than escape velocity. She has been clocked at Mach 5 (hyper-sonic) traveling in sustained flight and can go much faster if need be.
Superhuman Speed: Granted by Hermes (God of Messengers). She is able to think, react and move at superhuman speeds. Her top speed is at least half the speed of light and she can keep up with the likes of Jesse Quick. Her super-speed, while impressive, is not as comparable to that of the Flash. Since Wonder Woman lacks a speed aura of the fastest speedsters, the environmental effects/disruptions that she causes probably give her the decision sometimes from utilizing superspeed mobility as a common mode of travel. It is unknown how long she can maintain a speedster's average pace, though with her superhuman stamina, she can probably last as long as her counterparts, at her level.
Superhuman Reflexes: Granted by Hermes (God of Messengers). Wonder Woman possesses reflex abilities similar to speedsters, such as Jesse Quick and Max Mercury, and has been noted as being faster than Superman's. She is able to keep up with Jesse Quick with ease, referencing her patron deity of speed and messenger of the gods, Hermes, as the source of her powers. Wonder Woman's reflexes are far beyond the limitations of the finest human athletes. She has been able to react to a barrage of gunfire from multiple opponents at once unharmed.
Superhuman Agility: Wonder Womans's agility is far beyond that of even an olympic level athlete, as is her balance and coordination.
Superhuman Stamina: Wonder Woman can last a great deal of time in any fight and with virtually anyone. She has held her own in combat with even a Doomsday clone. She doesn't tire out, as her body produces no lactic acids in her muscles.
Enhanced Healing Factor: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of Earth). Like the Earth, Diana is constantly renewing herself, allowing her to quickly heal mild to moderate injuries at an amazing rate. Her normal regenerative abilities allow her to recover from injury within seconds to minutes. She possesses an incredible immunity from poisons, toxins, as well as disease. In rare cases where she was gravely injured or where another has managed to severely poison her, Diana showed the ability to physically merge with the Earth, causing whatever injuries or poisons to be expelled from her body as she regains shape.
Oneness With Fire: Granted by Hestia (Goddess of the Hearth). Apparently making her a focus of truth.
Empathy: Granted by Athena. (Goddess of Wisdom) "The Sight of Athena" apparently grants her increased insight. (For example, Diana can often detects others' emotions, and is now so fully immune to Doctor Psycho's illusions that she usually is not even aware of what illusions he is attempting to project. Apparently most forms of mind control will not work on her either). She can also detect other people's emotions. Even other high-level telepaths would be unable to read her mind or attack her in such a manner.
- Animal Rapport: Granted by Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt). Ability to communicate with all forms of animals (including dinosaurs) and her presence alone can bring a raging beast to a calm standstill.
Enhanced Senses: Granted by Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt). Eyesight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.
- Superhuman Sight: She also possess the "Hunters Eye" which allows her to always hit her mark. She can see to far greater distances than any normal human. Wonder Woman was briefly blinded, then had her sight restored by Athena. Since then, she has had the sight of Athena.
- Enhanced Smell
- Enhanced Hearing
Dimensional teleportation: On occasion, Wonder Woman can literally leave the planet through meditaion. She did this to rescue Artemis when she was in hell, and has even conversed with the Greek Gods on occasion.
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