Developed regions include the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, northern and western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, China (Is China really considered a developed country yet though?) and maybe a few others I'm forgetting. If you had to live in a country outside of these regions, where would you live?
I guess I'd live in Mexico given its proximity to the US. Learning Spanish is probably easier than learning some Asian or African language. There are lots of Americans and other expats in Mexico City too, so I guess I'd be fine there. I would guess there would be less culture shock in Mexico compared to Russia or Vietnam or Nigeria.
NOTE: I know some OTers already live in developing countries. This thread is geared toward American and Western European OTers, whom make up the majority of posters. If you live in a developing country, go ahead and say what developed country you'd like to live in.
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