Just saw this on IGN and figured that the whole list (or any of it) has been posted on here yet. What do you guys think of the list? If you're wondering: NO, Jar Jar is not on the list (have a feeling someone's gonna mention him)
Pro's (imo):
-Cool to see at least 1 unexpected guy in the top 10
-All 3 movie mentors are in the top 20 (Qui Gon, Obi, Yoda)
-Solid list overall imo
Con's (imo):
-Darth Traya comes sooner than Darth Sion (even only by a few spots)? ....No
-They could've traded out certain movie/Clone Wars TVcharacters for more expanded universe ones
-My fav's only #50 :( (Didn't expect him to get much higher though)
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