Well, let me start off by saying, I'm fairly new to coding, in fact I have been learning java for about 2 months now. I have taken it upon myself to make an A.I. chat bot thing, as I saw no others that functioned in this way. How does it function, you ask? Well, you input a sentence, it deconstructs it, figuring out what part of the sentence is what, (subject, verb, participle, whatever) then determines it's reaction to it. Not it's response, it's REACTION.
So, let's say, for instance, you said "Hello, I hate you, please go die in a hole," it would look at it and think"Ok, they just said hello, that is a greeting, that is average, and changes nothing (except it will maybe make me say a greeting as well). Wait, what's this? they just said 'I hate you', 'I' means they are talking about themselves, 'hate' is a 'bad word/emotion', and is used towards 'you', which is actually me, so they are expressing a 'bad word/emotion' towards me." The "please go die in a hole" part would follow a similar train of logic. "Please" is generally kind and or polite, "go die" is a verb, and dying is a bad thing. "In a hole" has no other context, so it is being used with the verb phrase "go die", (it's more complicated than this, but I don't want to make this post 50,000,000 characters) so they are asking the program to do something bad that it is not already doing in a place where it is not, meaning the person is probably insulting them, and is not using please in a kind/polite way.
The program would then construct a sentence based on what it knows, and what the human just said, and print out that sentence for the human to reply to. I do not know how a lot of "artificial intelligences" work, but I doubt it's like this. I am really exited to start working on this, and I would like to know what you think :D
-Thanks, GoodName
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