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Um. That would suck because I have spent all this time working hard to make a name for myself (I'm only 16) and by 2034 I'm going to be 44, not even able to friggen be 50 and I'm already dead. This won't happen. I don't want it to happen.
By the way, the article you posted about the asteroid... they were using technology from 1998... It's 2007... things could have changed drastically from then.  It will take them years to determine its true path, and until the time we get an emergency alert from the government or something like that I'm living my life knowing that nothing will stop me. 2028 an asteroid a Mile wide and with the destructive capacity of 2,000,000 Hiroshima bombs will pass within 30,000 miles of Earth...the scary part? The computers the scientists are using to track this thing have a margin of error of more than 180,000 miles.
...BUT should said asteroid miss by so close, the Earth's gravity will pull it right back in as evidenced by the math behind THIS calculation of another asteroid missing us by 20,000 miles in 2029...and then looping back around and hitting us in 2034.
  Hehe thats comedy =P Oh well have to die some time.
I think (or hope) these kinds of doomsday scenarios are exaggerated, but the asteroid ones scare me. I'll just remember to have a comet-proof bunker built by that time. For me, however, the scary part is not that we might all die: it's that even if only one of these things happen (and even if it's only half as bad as is predicted), chaos could ensue, and human society will be changed forever. I don't want the world to be turned into a Mad Max type wasteland...nick3333
  Better test your bunker with a couple nuclear war heads, to make sure its sturdy :P.
[QUOTE="nick3333"]I think (or hope) these kinds of doomsday scenarios are exaggerated, but the asteroid ones scare me. I'll just remember to have a comet-proof bunker built by that time. For me, however, the scary part is not that we might all die: it's that even if only one of these things happen (and even if it's only half as bad as is predicted), chaos could ensue, and human society will be changed forever. I don't want the world to be turned into a Mad Max type wasteland...sSubZerOo
Better test your bunker with a couple nuclear war heads, to make sure its sturdy :P.
First of all your first source is wikipedia which is worthless , Second The ammount of pollution to make ocean water unfeasable would have to be a massive ammount of pollution pumped directly into the water. Also that margin of error means it can also be 210,000 miles away or 150,000 the other side. The moon is about 150,000 miles away and with much stronger gravity, and still hasn't been pulled in. And your evidence of this is by somthing that hasn't happened yet.biocunsumerNot really. Pollution will cause disease in the water. All marine life could become infected spreading it.
Woah, two asteroids coming to get us? We're doomed! :o K4ss3rNo they have missles. Not for this purpous but they would spare one.
I am very fascinated with this kind of stuff too. But, as they say. We all got to die sometime.daniel52587
ahh yes it's doomsday :cry:
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