Well I don't play the video games for the killing I play it for the adventure. I don't see the violence as a focus on violence I see it as a form a self-defense. Because they bad guys are coming to get the player. So it's either fend them of with lethal force or get them before they get the player.
 If you shoot someone with a lead or steel slug they it will slow them down or stop them from advancing. I don't care about the carnage. And yes if the quickest way to eliminate the enemy is by destroying the head I aim for the head. Not because I care to see it explode. I do it to conserve ammunition and put them down quickly. Plus it's instinctive. Weather I am at the shooting range or playing a video game I automatically aim for the cranial or throat regoin and down the center because of the spinal column. It's instive, I don't even think about it. So it's not a morbid it's just a natural response.
 As for movies.. Everybody likes to see a scumbag get the STREET JUSTICE that he or they deserve.
 People shouldn't be sheltered from violence. People NEED self-discipline. Personaly I like to play action oriented video games but I don't like conflict in reality. I don't like fighting, because that means I will have to injure someone because they won't stop until I injure or kill them. I don't enjoy injuring or killing people & beings, not unless they deserve it. Some people are better off dead. Some people are just rogue and disturbed so they can't be trusted. Just like a rabid animal. Too dangerous to be left alive. If they can't control themselves they leave no choice.
 If someone decides to walk into a building ( A school or whatever) and decides to kill several people that they don't know for some lame reason.. There is something wrong with their brain. Their wiring is faulty. It's just a matter of time until that person flips out. It will happen eventually.
 Television didn't invent violence. Nature did. We all have our own evil, some more than others. But some of us do not have self-control. Television, Movies and video games depict the nature of the world. It's not revealing or teaching. It may influence the feeble minded, but the depictions in all of those forms of media is the depiction of the world.
 Watch your back, prepare to defend yourself and be careful of who you befriend. Society is based on trust. Stuff happens, that's life. If you're too affraid to live it then go lock yourself in a lexan cage where no one can hurt you. And sound proof it so no wil be able to abuse your fragile emotions with naughty obscenities, mean terms and words.
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