There have been idiolistic leaders, crazy leaders, efficient leaders, fascists, communists, crappy leaders, ETC... But who in your opinion is the greatest of all time? I'm going to have to go with Napoleon Bonaparte of France.
- Took France out of their worst time in their history; transforming it from a corrupt peasant nation to a feared empire
- Created the napoleonic code which is the basis of most European laws
- Actually fought in the wars his nation participated in
- Freed all slaves from France, emancipating the jews, and revitalized French nationalism
It says a lot then when someone is exiled and comes back, as he marches people create an army behind him so he can overthrow a monarch. Probably the most respected emperor in history with this unwavering support. Apparently, when Louis XVIII wanted to arrest him, the cops bowed to Napoleon instead of arresting.
Some other good leaders I can think of are Augustus Caesar, George Washington, Lenin (simply because he was idealistic and tried to make communism work), and Churchill.
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