[QUOTE="sacredtext62"]Is anyone seriously troubled by this movie? It is a true ashame that we as a society have excepted that every single "Nazi" (even though all germans weren't Nazis during WWII to begin with) is a blood craving demonic war monger and that it is perfectably acceptable to make a movie about just killing Nazis and it's going to be a good laugh?
Quentin Tarontino has the mind of a 4 year old boy if he thinks like that and judging by his past movies I wouldn't be suprised if that's where his IQ level is at.
If it's not ok to kill Nazis, I don't know which way is up anymore. Seriously, I'm looking forward to this film so much.It's like this...
A while back there was this discussion about Dexter, and people were talking about how Dexter is a hero.
And not having watched the show, but having heard about it, I asked, "What? How can he be a hero if he is a serial killer?"
It was then explained to me that he is one ****ed up dude, but that's okay since he only brutally murders people who deserve to die. Which then made me say "WTF?!"
See, what a lot of people forget is that there are at least two separate and distinct aspects to killing. There's the "deserving" to die, and then there is the "reason to kill". It is possible for one to deserve to die, but for me to simultaneously not have a reason to kill them. It is possible for me to have a reason to want to kill someone, while they simultaneously do not "deserve" to die.
As in, someone might release a bunch of feral dogs into a certain habitat, where they wreak havok on the local populatrion. In all logical analyses, it might be betyter to wipe those dogs out. However, while the conservationist is humanely euthanizing them, suppose I decide to eliminate them by sticking firecrackers up their rear ends and then posting the resulting videos on Youtube.
Fact: the "fact" that someone "deserves" to die doesn't mean you are killing them for a good reason. It's a lot like how people who watch Dexter have told me that Dexter is NOT someone to be admired. That he doesn't commit murder because it's right or necessary, but that he murders people because he is a sick mother****** who WANTS TO MURDER PEOPLE. That even if every single person who he murdered deserved to get murdered themselves, that Dexter's REASONS for murder are ****ed up and evil.
Back to Inglorious Bastards, I might be wrong about the whole movie. But the trailers sure as hell depict a degree of deliberate glee at killing, and delight at making people suffer before they die. That, combined with the line "not all heroes are in the history books" makes me suspect that this movie will be a loathsome and vile piece of hatedful trash.
Or maybe it's just bad marketting. After all, the hitmen in Pulp Fiction made murder look "cool", and yet we saaw where the characters' ideologies led them. I'm sure that at one point Butch would've LOVED to torture Marcellus to death. But there came a point where Marcellus was in that exact same situation, and Butch realized that leaving him wouldn't be right. His enemy was a violent murdering drug dealing torturing evil son of a *****, and yet there wa still the recognition that what he was going through was just wrong.
I repeat, let's suppose for the sake of argument that every single Nazi DID "deserve" to die horribly. That does not justify horrible murders simply for the sake of one's own desire to murder people. Reasons for killing are often separate from whether or not someone/something deserves to be killed. And motivations for actions make all the difference when it comes to the "goodness" of those actions.
And when I watched the Inglorious Bastards trailers, I get the sense that these dudes are "heroes" simply for killing Nazis, despite stuff like the baseball bat scene strongly suggesting to me that these guys are simply sadists who love to kill, and merely choose to go after a target who it is acceptable to kill.
Hell, as much as Hostel gets labelled as "torture porn", at least that movie had a strong moral basis, actually CONDEMNING the kind of repeating cycle of violence which is perpetuated by the need to inflict such violence on those who we deem to be "deserving" of it. The trailers I've seen for Inglorious Bastards just look like an excuse to murder Nazis.
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