Well this isn't comedy really. It's just interesting that it is such a low number. It makes mathematical sense, but when he asked the audience what they thought the answer was, a lot of people said 182 (at which point there is about a 50% chance that the next person will say a date already mentioned) and others just called out random numbers. I think the lowest guess was 100.
The answer is 23.
When the second person calls out their birthdate, there is already 1 known birthdate, so there are 364 left, and therefore a .274% chance that it will be the same date.
When the third person calls out their birthdate, there are 2 known birthdates, leaving 363, and therefore a 0.5479% chance that it will share a date with one of them. HOWEVER, you need to multiply by the chance that there hasn't already been a match. The best way I can explain this is multiply the chance there has not been a cumulative match, with the current chance there will not be a match (The chance of there not being a match is 100% minus the chance of there being a match) So in this case it would be 99.726% (100 - 0.274) * 99.4521% (100 - 0.5479) which makes the cumulative total of there not being a match 99.1795%; therefore there is 0.8205% there will be a match.
You carry this cumulative total forward until you get to number 23, at which point there is a 50.792% chance that a match will have occurred by that time.
Before he explained the math behind it (which I don't think I have explained adequately, sorry), he went through the audience about half a dozen times and did just as I had suggested in the problem. He never got to 30.
For the second question, what's the chance that 300 random people will have no matching birthdates? I really shouldn't have chosen 300. I can't even get it to display in Excel. It's 6.2453E-80, which if my limited memory of maths serves, that means there is a 0.[insert 79 zeros]62453% chance that this will happen.
Makaveli, I tried putting that equation into Excel, and it turned up a #NUM! response. I know solving this problem can be expressed as a formula, but I took the long hand approach as I don't remember how to express it :)
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