Finance majors a dime a dozen. Plus, IB jobs are really hard to get unless you go to a heavily-recruited school or have excellent connections. You can still work in the finance department for many companies, but in my opinion, accounting is a far more versatile major, mostly because all companies need their beancounters. You can do audit, tax work, etc.
Go for accounting, dude.
I feel exactly the opposite. Accountants are a dime a dozen and most of their functional work is utter boredom and routine. Accountants provide no real value to the growth of the business on either the top line or the bottom line.
However a good finance person working for the right type of company is directly involved in growth whether it be project work, M&A, or changing financing or structures of existing lines of business.
In my experience, no one cares what the accountants say as long as things are running smoothly and no one is violating any laws. Whereas everone cares what the finance and treasury people say since you can't move forward on investing, creating or buying anything without their sign off. Moreover you have a much better chance to get to the CEO corner office as a dealmaker than as a bean counter.
What you call versatile, I call safe, boring, and destined for middle management at best :P
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