I don't know if America is the greatest country in the world. It's the only country I've ever lived in. I've been told time and time again by the government funded school system and government officials that the United States is thegreatest country in the world but I'm skeptikal because is it fact or justpropaganda?
It may have at one time been a great country but the way the feds arrest and evenprosicute anyone they want without any substantial evidence makes our constition seem like propagatedbull. Freedom of speech means what a person says is irrellavant. If you don't have any other evidence they get thebenefit of the doubt. The states have become useless, it's as if soveigrnty has become a commerative term. All of the stateshave been bought and this is why they let the Federal Government do whatever they want. Which ultimatley proves that corruption is inevitable. Overtime the people become weak because they have been pampered therefore they don't care how many freedoms they lose because the government buys their voteswith welfare & health care.
America has faded. It has been fading and it's still fading. When the day comes that they convince people to give up all of their guns I will probably leave. Simply because they wouldn't be doing it for our safety. They would have a reason but it wouldn't have anything to do with our safety. More their safety so they could safely do whatever they want. I don't want live in something similar to a Nazi regime so I hope it doesn't happen again in my lifetime. If it seems ridiculous then you are just too young or trusting to fathom just how sinister people really are. They may seem trustworthy soyou may feel you can turn yourback on them but to them you're just a fool and they won't hesitate to sieze the opportunity the moment your guard is down.
A government is a business and a businessman is nobody's friend, they're not looking out for anyone other than theirselves. Trusting a businessman is like trusting a lion. Ever hear the expression "Be wary, because you're going to the lions." Anyone who takes their chances with the lions is either foolish of desperate.
So is America the greatest? There's a lot of countries and they all have their fair share of problems. Living in the United States is better than living in some third hell hole, but if America is consideredthe best country in the worlds current state it doesn't mean much. As I said the United States is fading, it's going down not up.
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