An MBA with no experience means you'll beat out the BA's for an entry level position.
Here's some advice I wish I got when I went to college.
First figure out what you want to do w/ your life. Don't worry about money, or jobs availability. There are waiters making $100k, and people still earn a living as blacksmiths. No career pays poorly, and no career is obsolete. Pick something you love, and have some experience w/. Now find a job in that area. Want to do something w/ sports work at a ballpark, want to be a vet work for the human society. There are jobs in every field you can get right out of high school. After about 6 months you should know if you actually love your field or not. You might have to move to find them, but they are there.
Next start working towards a bachelors degree, but instead of quitting your job make them both work. As a word of advice always pick your job over your classes. GPA doesn't mean anything in the real world. You shouldn't be looking at graduating in 4 years but looking towards 6-7. If you're 18 now you'll have 7 years experience and a 4 year degree when you're 25. Now compare that to the guy who focused on getting his degree in 4 years, and then looked for a job. You might have a lower gpa, but you'll probably know more people in your job field, and you'll have almost 2x more experience. Also keep in mind getting a job is mostly who you know. A referenced candidate will beat out a better candidate almost all the time.
Now onto the MBA. Only get an MBA if somebody else is paying for it. Any company that requires it will pay for potential internal hires to earn it.
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