He says he isn't. Anyway Barack Hussein Obama does sound like a muslim name. Also he had a Muslim stepdad and lived with him in Indonesia. He also is endorsed by Nation of Islam leader (and anti-semite, and racist) Louis Farakhan who once called Jews "blood suckers". But i don't see any proof so i'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I say he is not a muslim, but he is a left wing liberal and a bit of an idiot. I mean he actually said he would withdraw from Iraq and then send the troops back if al Qaeda started setting up safe havens in Iraq, but isn't al Qaida already in Iraq (when McCain used this argument Obama's response was to blame their presence on Bush and the Iraq war, but it really sounded to me like an admission that al Qaida was there). Oh boy, i can see our future: 2009- Soldiers leave Iraq 2010- Soldiers go back to Iraq 2011- Soldiers withdraw again 2012- soldiers go back. 2013- This jerk is replaced by a competent president.
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