I don't mean for this to be a legalization of pot/drugs topic. I'd just like to throw out the question of whether intoxicating yourself, or altering ones consciousness via substances (or the desire to) is bad in itself, and if it's a part of human nature?
I get the arguments as to why it can be bad. Bad for your health, might cause harm to yourself/others/property while you're high. But setting those aside, what about the act itself of changing your consciousness? I feel like people still frown upon it. Should they? I know lots of people who on their own free time indulge and such activities (whether that's alcohol, caffeine, pot, etc.) safely and otherwise get on with their life as normal. These people would still be labelled as stoners, druggies, abusers, alcoholics, whatever negative connotation for the sole reason of the fact that they change the way their brain works from time to time.
My opinion is that while many mind altering drugs/substances have many negative effects and therefore should not be encouraged, there's nothing wrong with wanting to alter your conscious safely. Seems like a recreational activity not too much unlike whatever else we decide to do in our free time. It could even be argued that this is an even more deep or profound experience (and therefore valuable?).
I'd also say it seems to be part of human nature to want to alter the mind in some way or another. Alcohol and caffeine use is widespread. Almost every culture deals with alcohol, or the specific prohibition thereof. Clearly it's something we gravitate towards. Even some animals will specifically eat fermenting fruit to catch a buzz-on. That's pretty neat.
Thoughts and opinions?
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