Poll is it just me or do Asian people eat a lot (3 votes)
So here's this thing my father and I have noticed when we go to the buffet at Mohegan Sun: The Asian people there eat a whole ton of food. It all started last summer when my dad noticed this one Asian guy who kept getting a whole plate full of watermelon. He'd finish one plate, then get up and come back with another one. Then I think he went and got a bunch of mussels and other seafood.
Then this summer, we went to the buffet three times so far and we noticed more Asians eating a bunch of food, more it seems than most people at the buffet. My father noticed one Asian woman who was eating a lot of mussels. I noticed that a lot of the Asian people I saw at the buffet had their plates piled high (although the plates are kind of small, so its easy to fill the plates up) with food. Two weeks ago when I was at the buffet, I was scooping some fajita chicken and peppers and onions onto my plate and this Asian guy was talking to me (I couldn't understand what he was saying, something about the peppers and vision), his plate was piled high with rice and rice crisps and other stuff and he was telling me to put more peppers on my plate (I was trying not to put a lot on my plate because I didn't want to fill myself up too much on that before I got to try some of the other food) and then after I put the spoon back, he even scooped some peppers on to my plate! Then another time at the buffet my father spotted an Asian guy looking around and hiding desserts (puddings, gello) in side his jacket-pockets. Last week when we went, my father noticed an Asian guy eating a bunch of fried chicken and doing so really fast.
It's funny to see them eating that much, because they don't look like they could eat a lot, most of the ones we saw where pretty thin, so you wouldn't expect them to be eating so much.
Have you guys had similar experiences in buffets? Mohegan Sun has a lot of Asian people who go there, they even have an area called Sunrise Square which is meant for Asian visitors and they frequently have Chinese beauty pageant events. They used to even have an Asian players club, I don't know if they still do since now they call their player's club cards "momentum cards" not players cards.
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