I quit my job two days ago (without another job lined up but thankfully a company I interviewed with offered me a job that same afternoon). I was only there for a few months and even though I was making very good money, I was extremely unhappy there. Actually, I've been making good money, I bought my dream car two years ago, I have enough money saved up to go without an income for a few years yet none of it made me happy. My mistake was accumulating wealth and buying nice stuff instead of pursuing my dreams.
I've noticed that it's not just me, I live in a major metropolitan area with high median ncomes but terrible traffic, overcrowding, stressful jobs and everyone around me does not seem to be happy. Just about everyone I know hate their jobs, make good money but have very high debt, have personal issues like broken marriages or impending divorces, the list goes on. No wonder alcoholism, opioid abuse, divorce rates are all on the rise.
So are you all happy and I'm the outlier?
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