@mister-man: Plenty of police are Serpico, they just put the 1 mistake on news, out of thousands of decisions they make in a career. The problem with idealistic ideas, like "the criminals will cooperate" and "just walk into back of my car without resisting" so they don't need guns or need to use force, that shit just doesn't happen. Of course the movie I watched was an old disney movie, so maybe British cops do whack their knees to get a little cooperation, I don't know how they do it. Hot Fuzz is about all I know about their use of force.
To me, you're suppose to be afraid of cops, that they will kill you where you stand, Old West style, even if you've done nothing wrong, as in the guy who walks up to a Police Officer with a machete and doesn't listen, you get a clip in your body, it isn't wrong, cause everyone knows the rules. I'm not saying giving these trained professional immunity or that using excessive force to keep people in line is proper, but it's just how things work, even if killing someone is essentially judge/jury/executioner. The problem is, if they weren't out beating people up and shooting criminals, then the criminals would be out there beating up civilizations and shooting cops. It's not like the police showed up to antagonize everyone and rule with iron thumb, it is what it is cause of the criminal element, and they evolve as the criminal element evolves.
A lot of my interest is why I wanted opinions from people who don't live in the wild west like myself. I'm interested in things like what keeps the civilians from breaking the law, when anyone could just beat them up. I can't imagine how they handle gangs and shit. Sort of want to find a video or book about how they do things in non-gun environments.
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