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Before I got married, I was dating this girl who was obsessed with country music and played it all the time. It drove me so insane that I finally dumped her, though I lied and told her other excuses and not the truth. I'm kind of glad that I did that back when I was 19 because if I stayed with her I'd be brainwashed with country music and we'd probably have 10 kids by now.jt222_us
And your point is?
No, it's not wrong to dump someone because they are obsessed about something you dislike. That's about as good a reason as you can get.
So, you're pretty spineless for making up a lie about it.
If she was actually "obsessed" with it, as you say, then no. But something tells me you are exaggerating a bit.
Besides, country music FTW!
[QUOTE="Salvy41"]What's with this general hatred towards country music?Bourbons3Its widely accepted as being terrible.
Well that's a bit of a broad statement. I prefer not to deem an entire genre encompassing many artists over almost a century 'terrible'.
If she was actually "obsessed" with it, as you say, then no. But something tells me you are exaggerating a bit.
Besides, country music FTW!
No. U don't get it. She was really obsessed. It wouldn't surprise me if she was that groupie that grabbed Tim McGraws package at that concert where his wife was there and then yelled to that groupie.
I HATE country music. Hate it hate it hate it. But I wouldn't dump somebody for it.
Now, if she had a country accent, I would leave her at the restaraunt.
[QUOTE="wallymartin"]If she was actually "obsessed" with it, as you say, then no. But something tells me you are exaggerating a bit.
Besides, country music FTW!
No. U don't get it. She was really obsessed. It wouldn't surprise me if she was that groupie that grabbed Tim McGraws package at that concert where his wife was there and then yelled to that groupie.
What about her makes you think she's "obsessed" with country? Always listening to it? Or just whenever she put on music, it was country?
Just because she likes it? Yes it's wrong.
If she knows you don't like it and is constantly playing it when you're around,I would consider that ignorant and get rid of her based more upon her ignorance.
[QUOTE="jt222_us"][QUOTE="wallymartin"]If she was actually "obsessed" with it, as you say, then no. But something tells me you are exaggerating a bit.
Besides, country music FTW!
No. U don't get it. She was really obsessed. It wouldn't surprise me if she was that groupie that grabbed Tim McGraws package at that concert where his wife was there and then yelled to that groupie.
What about her makes you think she's "obsessed" with country? Always listening to it? Or just whenever she put on music, it was country?
posters,t-shirts,concerts, knew that top country 40 whatever it is chart all the time, blaring it in the car, having the tv on cmt all the time. in case your wondering what drove me to date her to begin with, i blame that one on a combination of her good looks and my lack of controlling myself.
[QUOTE="wallymartin"][QUOTE="jt222_us"][QUOTE="wallymartin"]If she was actually "obsessed" with it, as you say, then no. But something tells me you are exaggerating a bit.
Besides, country music FTW!
No. U don't get it. She was really obsessed. It wouldn't surprise me if she was that groupie that grabbed Tim McGraws package at that concert where his wife was there and then yelled to that groupie.
What about her makes you think she's "obsessed" with country? Always listening to it? Or just whenever she put on music, it was country?
posters,t-shirts,concerts, knew that top country 40 whatever it is chart all the time, blaring it in the car, having the tv on cmt all the time. in case your wondering what drove me to date her to begin with, i blame that one on a combination of her good looks and my lack of controlling myself.
Meh, if that's obsession, it's a mild case. I think your own dislike of it probably magnified the situation for you. Oh well, if it was too much for you, there's not a whole lot you could have done. How often did she try to talk aboutcountry musicto you?
Thats wrong dude, and whats wrong with country music?tzar3
I don't care much for country, but that was pretty low.Deku_Grumble
That's pretty close to the stupidest reason I've ever heard. Maybe you should be more tolerant of other people's taste in music.The_Zoid
I don't like country music at all, but yea, it's wrong to dump a girl just for her taste in music. You need a better reason.shufu7-11
I don't know about you guys, but when I was playing the game, I didn't waste a lot of time dating people who had interests that were directly opposed to mine.
Why should she have to hide her love of country music, or stop listening to it for him? Better he dump her right there and then he can go find someone who likes his kind of music, and she can go find some dude who actually likes country.
Edit: I do agree that the manner in which he did it (i.e. making up another reason) was general douche-baggery.
totally music=extreme loss...Acurev
thanks for making me feel better about it. i did feel bad at the time though because that is a pretty low level i was at making up those lies to dump her. she was a nice girl but just not for me. i should have never taken the bait to begin with, that was the problem. but i'm all grown up now and over it, though i would never end up doing that again to any of the girfriends i had before i met my wife.
[QUOTE="tzar3"]Thats wrong dude, and whats wrong with country music?CheddarLimbo
I don't care much for country, but that was pretty low.Deku_Grumble
That's pretty close to the stupidest reason I've ever heard. Maybe you should be more tolerant of other people's taste in music.The_Zoid
I don't like country music at all, but yea, it's wrong to dump a girl just for her taste in music. You need a better reason.shufu7-11
I don't know about you guys, but when I was playing the game, I didn't waste a lot of time dating people who had interests that were directly opposed to mine.
Why should she have to hide her love of country music, or stop listening to it for him? Better he dump her right there and then he can go find someone who likes his kind of music, and she can go find some dude who actually likes country.
Edit: I do agree that the manner in which he did it (i.e. making up another reason) was general douche-baggery.
I disagree. Couples should absolutely not need to have the same interests in order to get along. I like videogames. My girlfriend doesn't. My girlfriend likes going to the mall and trying on clothes. I do not.
Doesn't hurt our relationship one bit.
[QUOTE="CheddarLimbo"]I don't know about you guys, but when I was playing the game, I didn't waste a lot of time dating people who had interests that were directly opposed to mine.Why should she have to hide her love of country music, or stop listening to it for him? Better he dump her right there and then he can go find someone who likes his kind of music, and she can go find some dude who actually likes country.
Edit: I do agree that the manner in which he did it (i.e. making up another reason) was general douche-baggery.
I disagree. Couples should absolutely not need to have the same interests in order to get along. I like videogames. My girlfriend doesn't. My girlfriend likes going to the mall and trying on clothes. I do not.
Doesn't hurt our relationship one bit.
I agree that couples do not need to have all the same interests in order to get along. However, it does help to share many of the same interests. With something such as music, which is a major part of my life, a somewhat similar taste would be mandatory. Mind you, if she would make a wholehearted attempt to become interested in my type of music, I would definitely do the same with her's.
But I know I could never handle being with someone who is obsessed with a type of music that I can't stand. So I probably would have done the same as you did and break up with her. After a while of annoying the hell out of her about it for a while first.
I'm so happy I didn't have to deal with any of that with my wife! There's still some stuff I like that she doesn't, but I like nearly everything she likes, so I win there.
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