I've been thinking lately about if killing someone is ever right. Some people are in so much pain being alive that they wish to die but are denied the right. Do you think this is a violation of their rights?
I seem to recall the case of a french woman who asked to die because of he cancer, so rare yet so painful. She claimed to be in so much pain she could never sleep and could not function. The cancer also left her deformed so she was constantly made fun of. She was denied the right to die and died a month later after suffering another month of pain.
The story is here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7301566.stm
One quote stands out to me, "One would not allow an animal to go through what I have endured"
This line really makes me wonder, it's true that many animals are put to sleep if they are suffering from mental disabilities, crippling diseases, and other things. If a human is in so much pain is it wrong to just end the pain?
Remember Nick Hogan's friend, the one who is so brain damaged he can't move, talk, or do anything on his own. The one who needs a machine to move him so he gets no bed sores? Wouldn't a quick and painless death be better in a case like this? He might as well be, no one can talk to him, he's in pain which no one will no. Just imagine not being able to move, talk, or do anything. I'd wish to die within a second of this happening.
What about the mentally disabled? People in vegetative states? There are numerous cases of people like this wishing to die but being refused the right.
What do you think, sorry for wall of text but I tried to format it for easy reading.
BBC Report on Arguments for the right to die http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/euthanasia/infavour/infavour_2.shtml
News Stories About Real People Wanting to Die (Or other similar subjects):
I could find more but, nah
So what are your opinions?
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