Poll Is Obama the best president ever? (92 votes)
Do you think Obama is the best president ever?
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Do you think Obama is the best president ever?
Obama is a monkey, George Bush was a fucking baboon.
I think you have it backwards. >_>
Never... It's been a long time since we've had a good president, and people who think Clinton was a good president aren't well informed. The economy was booming because he started giving out home loans to anybody who wanted them, and now those people are buried in debt, which is the big reason it crashed during the Bush era.
I'm gonna go ahead and say yes. Just to see what happens.
Not being a Democrat myself, I'd still say John F. Kennedy was one of the best.
I would think that at this point most who voted for Obama want a major do over. I voted no, and would put him as one of the worst to date. Lie about health insurance (can keep your doctor, can keep your insurance, etc). I need to be able to trust my president.
Obama is the most Guilty Pleasure president of USA.
he got the vote because he's black .... just like the president on "deep Impact" and "Armageddon" movie
Yes We can.
I believe JFK was more popular and well received but Obama has his positives too. Bush was a disaster.
I don't think he's the best, but he's far from the worst. I don't eat up the conservative shit put out everyday that everyone else swallows up. He has his many faults and has done a lot of dumb stuff, but he's also done good things and has tried his best to move the country forward in a progressive light. I say this as an independent.
@AmazonTreeBoa: hey STUPID!!! Don't tell me what I'm implying you twat, I'm asking a simple question, if your to dumb to answer it then shut the **** up. Also what I'm "implying" is that it's impossible to please everyone all of the time any president you can name somebody somewhere has something bad to say about them. If you had any brain cells you would realise that's what I meant.
@jimkabrhel: so who was the best president? which president do you know that could please everyone all of the time?
Implying Obama pleases everybody. LOL What a fucking joke.
Reading comprehension is your friend. That's not what he was suggesting, rather the opposite. That no President could please everyone. But that's beside the point too. Obama isn't even pleasing the base that elected him, let alone the other side which is actively stonewalling hi at every turn.
Obama hasn't been helped by a useless Congress, but a good, dynamic President would find ways to overcome that, and not just let his/her agenda be sunk.
@jimkabrhel: yes that's what I meant glad we have someone with some brains around here.
I reckon cos Obama is a black man congress is making his job hard, they don't want to see a black president do a better job than the previous white president. Just sayin
I think the race aspect is overplayed. The GOP has moved further to the right for more than a decade and that cannot be attributed to fighting Obama. The Tea Party isn't helping either. I'm sure there are some politicians who don't like having a minority President, but it's not many.
Saying Obama is the best president of all time is like saying SNIPER4321 is the greatest poster in the history of this site.
If you go to the neighborhood I grew up in a lot of people there will probably tell you yes. But on the other hand, most of them never followed politics until they found out Obama was running.
I remember in JROTC in the mid-90s our instructor asked one girl who the commander in chief was and she needed help figuring out it was Clinton. Then, when she was asked who the vice president is she guesses Bush I.
If the question is only concerning American presidents, well, I don't know.
But if it concerns all the presidents around the world in all ages, without the slightest doubt, Ahmadinejad is the best.
I'm pretty sure most Iranians thought he was a piece of shit. Even the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, seemed displeased with him.
If the question is only concerning American presidents, well, I don't know.
But if it concerns all the presidents around the world in all ages, without the slightest doubt, Ahmadinejad is the best.
I'm pretty sure most Iranians thought he was a piece of shit. Even the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, seemed displeased with him.
The phrase piece of shit won't even begin to describe that sick,unbalanced,psychopathic jerk-off.He was being strongly supported by Khamenei throughout his career (including the 2009 election) ,except the last year of his 8-year era.
Whether it was his choice or not, his involvement in the proliferation of data-mining, invading the privacy of the public and automated warfare make him one of the worst.
If the question is only concerning American presidents, well, I don't know.
But if it concerns all the presidents around the world in all ages, without the slightest doubt, Ahmadinejad is the best.
I'm pretty sure most Iranians thought he was a piece of shit. Even the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, seemed displeased with him.
The phrase piece of shit won't even begin to describe that sick,unbalanced,psychopathic jerk-off.He was being strongly supported by Khamenei throughout his career (including the 2009 election) ,except the last year of his 8-year era.
I'm sorry. :(
At the end if the day Americas problem is systemic. There is nobody capable doing what needs to be done to fix Americas problems. Obama isn't much different than anybody else. Bush was awful, Obama is awful, whoever comes next will be awful. This will be the case until America starts fixing the structural problems. Nobody in either party is trying to do that. Therefore everything will continue to be horrible. These problems were here long before anybody ever heard of Obama. He didn't create these problems and he isn't capable of fixing them. Neither is any politician currently in America Obama's successor will be just as useless.
I'm left of center, politically, and I don't believe Obama is top 10. Most of the issues are not his fault. Most of the issues lay in how divided the two parties have become over the past 20 years. It's become impossible for any president to accomplish their agenda when the other party acts in an obstructionist manner. I would definitely put the following ahead of Obama (in no particular order):
Lincoln, Eisenhower, Washington, Jefferson, FDR, Clinton, Teddy Roosevelt, Truman, Wilson, and probably JFK.
I'm on the fence on Reagan. He did some good, but his administration also did some real long term harm (War on Drugs escalation, Iran-Contra, CIA/Crack, trickle-down economics, Savings and Loan scandal, support of Saddam Hussein, etc). I could be argued that both Reagan and George H.W. Bush should have been tried for treason over the Iran-Contra affair.
@jimkabrhel: so who was the best president? which president do you know that could please everyone all of the time?
Ronald Reagan was probably the most "liked" president on both sides of the aisle in modern history.
This is true, but I like him less now that the most unlikeable people imaginable continuously refer to themselves as "Reagan Republicans". They completely misunderstand what made Reagan popular and it drives me insane.
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