In addition to the stated objectives, as early as 1889 Blavatsky publicly declared that the purpose of establishing the Society was to prepare humanity for the reception of a World Teacher: according to the Theosophical doctrine described above, a manifested aspect of an advanced spiritual entity that periodically appears on Earth in order to direct the evolution of humankind. The mission of these reputedly regularly appearing emissaries is to practically translate, in a way and language understood by contemporary humanity, the knowledge required to propel it to a higher evolutionary stage.
this book for example, while ment as an gift and guide for mankind, has actually provided the nationalists and anti.zionistic movements of this time with everything they needed to evolve their twisted believes into a full fledged idiology and is thus a prime example for what is about to happen in the meaning of 'consequences' when this kind of knowledge is about to surface in the mainstream's field of view/interest
If the present attempt, in the form of our Society, succeeds better than its predecessors have done, then it will be in existence as an organized, living and healthy body when the time comes for the effort of the 20th century. The general condition of men's minds and hearts will have been improved and purified by the spread of its teachings, and, as I have said, their prejudices and dogmatic illusions will have been, to some extent at least, removed. <- this was 1890 ^^
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