This is a honest question for people who really get offended when someone does this sort of thing.
Stereotypes imo are there for a reason. They didnt come out of nowhere just for the heck of it. Its there because most of the time its true. Here is a perfect example I am about to use. This is a true story.
It's late at night one day and im walking home from my friends house after a house party. There is a small plaza between me and my Apt. And what do i see? A group of "gangsta's" dare i say African Americans at that. Now, what do i do? As im walking closer i start to think...hmmm If i try to walk past these guys, something might go down. And thats exactly what happened. One guy asked me for a cig and i said i didnt have one. Then BOOM. I end up waking up after being hit in the back of the head only to find out my wallet and cell phone was gone.
Now why did the thought of "if i walk past these guys, something might go down" come up? Stereotypes.......It's late at night, a group of black teens, dressed as pranksters, in front of a plaza, loitering = stay away.
Now if i was smart i would have walked around these guys. But knowing my self, i said **** that. I dont walk around nobody. I walk through clowns like that. I paid the price.
The moral of the story is not to ignore stereotypes. imbrace it. It can save your life. A group of black ppl late at night? stay away. Chiniese guy driving? jump out the car. Middle eastern flying your airplane? jump out the airplane. These little can and will save your life.
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