Okay I'm assuming most of you have seen that Zeitgeist movie, or at least the Christianity/Jesus part of it. Before you disregard my post by saying the movie has already been debunked, I know it has...at least for the most part. The movie made huge logical leaps to come to the conclusion that Jesus was based of other pagan deities. The one part of the movie that piqued my interest was the astrological part because it seemed to make too much sense to be more than just a coincidence. The movie describes the 3 stars in Orion's Belt as the 3 Kings/wisemen and on December 25th rise an hour before the Star of the East (Sirius, the brightest star in the sky other than the sun) and they generally line up and point to where the sun (Jesus) will rise at dawn. Jesus' ressurection is on this day because thereafter, the days finally start getting longer.
Anyway I was kinda disappointed that the movie didn't go on a more detailed explanation than it did, so I did some research and found a website that better explains it, and better details the characters of the bible and which constellations represent them. Essentially Joseph is represented by the constellation Bootes, which always stands by Virgo, the Virgin, which represents the virgin-Mary. At dawn, Virgo appears to be lying on her side as if to be giving birth.
Herod is represented by the serpent, Serpens Caput, which is located next to Bootes. Herod sends the 3 wise men to Bethleham (House of Bread, which is why Virgo is depicted holding a stalk of wheat) to find Jesus. In Matthew ch.2, it says that the wisemen "from the east...have seen his star in the East." How can something from the East see something in the East. This is because the Wisemen (Orion's Belt) rises in the East before about an hour before the Star of the East (Sirius) does. Later in Matthew 2:12, the Wisemen in a dream are told not to return to Herod but return to their country from another way. How can this be? Easy. The stars in the sky rise from East to West. They don't change directions which is why the wise men can't return from the same way they came.
So I just wanted to post this and see what you all think. This isn't the only part of the Bible that seems to explain the constellations in the sky. There is a whole other page that talks about the Garden of Eden. Basically in the OT, it uses the same constellations for both Adam and Eve and the serpent being the serpent of the garden. Bootes with his arm raised represents Adam as he exposes his rib to god to create Eve. Pretty interesting stuff. Of course there's no way to say if all or any of this stuff is true. At least for me, this gives a better explanation for how some of the biblical stories were derived from.
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