@top_lel said:
There's no law there. Plus, pour the tension already created in the country after the events of 2012, and you have a belligerent society. If you ask me, if that rapist really was the culprit, then what the father did was absolutely right. There's no trial, no jurisdiction for the poor. I don't think if you were in his shoes, you would do anything different. I don't however agree with torture, just simple murder would be enough. Torturing was going overboard but still, in India, and in some other Eastern countries, this case really is intense. If a girl is raped, nobody will marry her, and an unmarried over aged girl = a piece of trash in Indian society. And don't get me started about how the society will treat her. It's a matter of life and death. If you'd lived in a third world country, you would know it better. Right now, we can just settle for "To each his own" stuff.
First of all, I'm dubious of your claim that there's no law. For starters, according to this article, that dad is going to be tried for murder, because the law says that you can't just torture and murder a dude because you think he's guilty. Secondly, as far as the rapists in that bus incident, they actually were convicted and sentenced to death, and are currently undergoing appeals. That doesn't sound a lot like "there's no law there."
But for the sake of argument, let's assume that there is no law there. How does it make things BETTER when, in addition to the rapes, there are also people going around murdering and torturing their neighbors? Give this dad a pass, and you're condoning a system in which you can straight up murder and torture a dude and then get let off the hook by retroactively claiming rape. That just makes things MORE lawless there.
And don't talk to me with this "if you lived there, you'd feel different" bullshit. There already seem to be enough problems over there. If I had to live there, I wouldn't want the added problem of my neighbors feeling like they can get away with straight up torturing and murdering my ass by simply throwing out the totally unverified claim that I raped someone. Is that something that YOU are comfortable with? Would you like to live somewhere where anyone who has a beef with you can straight up murder you, and then get away with it by claiming that you are a rapist?
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