Although, I tend to lean Libertarian, I can't help but be moved by this.
Do you feel the Bern?
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Wow. An actual campaign ad that doesn't attack anyone. Impressive. Hes got my vote. But you know congress will walk all over him.
He won't get a damn thing done. That's the only positive trait about Trump. He's not much for the word "no"
I guess voting in the Primary or whatever it is called again in 2 years from now becomes more important if he wins. He could get more done perhaps if Dems instead of Rep controlling the senate and house of representatives... (that's the two other institutions right?)
Wow. An actual campaign ad that doesn't attack anyone. Impressive. Hes got my vote. But you know congress will walk all over him.
He won't get a damn thing done. That's the only positive trait about Trump. He's not much for the word "no"
I guess voting in the Primary or whatever it is called again in 2 years from now becomes more important if he wins. He could get more done perhaps if Dems instead of Rep controlling the senate and house of representatives... (that's the two other institutions right?)
It is highly likely that the Dems will retake the Senate in this election cycle.
Wow. An actual campaign ad that doesn't attack anyone. Impressive. Hes got my vote. But you know congress will walk all over him.
He won't get a damn thing done. That's the only positive trait about Trump. He's not much for the word "no"
I guess voting in the Primary or whatever it is called again in 2 years from now becomes more important if he wins. He could get more done perhaps if Dems instead of Rep controlling the senate and house of representatives... (that's the two other institutions right?)
It is highly likely that the Dems will retake the Senate in this election cycle.
That would be a good thing, if a Dems president win, yes?
@AFBrat77: Yeah, i like Kasick after Rand Paul got knocked out. He seems like someone you could work with even though you have differences.
I feel the Bern. But I don't think he will be elected.
US is destined to collapse with the elite only selecting the presidents till the end.
Agreed, Hillary first, Bernie 2nd in my book.......Kasick a strong 3rd. Wouldn't vote for anyone else.
Yeah, I also feel like those three are the only acceptable candidates. Jeb Bush wouldn't be too terrible, but there's no way I would actually vote for him.
That being said, I'm not moved by the ad. Nice sentiments, but I need to hear some policy substance from Sanders before I even think about getting on that train. But it's not going to happen because he doesn't actually know how he's going to achieve his goals.
Agreed, Hillary first, Bernie 2nd in my book.......Kasick a strong 3rd. Wouldn't vote for anyone else.
Yeah, I also feel like those three are the only acceptable candidates. Jeb Bush wouldn't be too terrible, but there's no way I would actually vote for him.
That being said, I'm not moved by the ad. Nice sentiments, but I need to hear some policy substance from Sanders before I even think about getting on that train. But it's not going to happen because he doesn't actually know how he's going to achieve his goals.
For me its Sanders > Trump > Kasich
Once you get past the his rather extreme exterior. Trump actually becomes more tolerable. He is growing on me.
Now, if only he could do something about his habit of saying stuff that is out of touch with reality.
You'll feel the bern when the economy burns
right, because the democrats have done such a terrible job with it over the past few years *obvious sarcasm*
you said you support Trump? How many times has he declared bankruptcy? How many times has he been bailed out by Saudis, the very people he now wants to persecute?
Yeah, even the money people, the folks that tend to vote Republican, should probably vote Democrat this round.
Agreed, Hillary first, Bernie 2nd in my book.......Kasick a strong 3rd. Wouldn't vote for anyone else.
Yeah, I also feel like those three are the only acceptable candidates. Jeb Bush wouldn't be too terrible, but there's no way I would actually vote for him.
That being said, I'm not moved by the ad. Nice sentiments, but I need to hear some policy substance from Sanders before I even think about getting on that train. But it's not going to happen because he doesn't actually know how he's going to achieve his goals.
For me its Sanders > Trump > Kasich
Once you get past the his rather extreme exterior. Trump actually becomes more tolerable. He is growing on me.
Now, if only he could do something about his habit of saying stuff that is out of touch with reality.
I appreciate that Trump is actually willing to say that the Iraq War was a stupid mistake, but for me, he's easily the worst candidate in the race. He has never shown that he has any mastery of the issues, he puts forth no concrete plans, he shows an astonishing lack of maturity for a 69 year old man, does not have anything approaching the right temperament to be President, he has turned the national dialogue into a circus, he treats people like shit at his rallies and his campaign exploits some of the most base human characteristics. Not to mention that banning Muslims from entering the country is unamerican.
I find it very concerning that Trump has a legitimate shot at the Republican nomination.
Trump's policies will probably for most of the part, be terrible for americans. With the exception of a few things. Such as weakening the establishment.
What he will succeed at is greatly improving the morale of Americans. He knows how to rally people up and raise morale. Especially in a fascist way. He will not be a complete pushover to the establishment and congress like Hillary will be. Hillary will be a repeat of America's mistakes.
I don't agree....Hillary will be by far the best president of anyone running, I don't think Sanders would get anything done, and besides I personally don't like anyone who would be in their 80's after 8 years to be president. I don't care who you are, your mental capacity would have taken a hit.
Hillary won't make those mistakes, she will improve on Obamas good policies. She was always a better candidate than Obama anyways.
I don't agree....Hillary will be by far the best president of anyone running, I don't think Sanders would get anything done, and besides I personally don't like anyone who would be in their 80's after 8 years to be president. I don't care who you are, your mental capacity would have taken a hit.
Hillary won't make those mistakes, she will improve on Obamas good policies. She was always a better candidate than Obama anyways.
You can argue that she'd be a better President, but there's no way Hillary ever was or ever will be a better candidate than Obama. Candidate Obama was a incredible political talent on the level of Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan and he had a way of being both inspiring and substantial (unlike Bernie Sanders who only has the inspiration and Hillary who only has the substance) and coming across as relatable and empathetic. Don't get me wrong. Hillary has an incredible mastery of the issues and seems more ready for the job than anybody else running, which is why I will be voting for her over Sanders. But she's not as electable as Obama was because she doesn't inspire trust and she doesn't seem even remotely genuine.
Trump's policies will probably for most of the part, be terrible for americans. With the exception of a few things. Such as weakening the establishment.
What he will succeed at is greatly improving the morale of Americans. He knows how to rally people up and raise morale. Especially in a fascist way. He will not be a complete pushover to the establishment and congress like Hillary will be. Hillary will be a repeat of America's mistakes.
I think he will greatly succeed at improving the morale of a certain kind of reactionary rightwing American, but not Americans in general.
Agreed, Hillary first, Bernie 2nd in my book.......Kasick a strong 3rd. Wouldn't vote for anyone else.
Yeah, I also feel like those three are the only acceptable candidates. Jeb Bush wouldn't be too terrible, but there's no way I would actually vote for him.
That being said, I'm not moved by the ad. Nice sentiments, but I need to hear some policy substance from Sanders before I even think about getting on that train. But it's not going to happen because he doesn't actually know how he's going to achieve his goals.
For me its Sanders > Trump > Kasich
Once you get past the his rather extreme exterior. Trump actually becomes more tolerable. He is growing on me.
Now, if only he could do something about his habit of saying stuff that is out of touch with reality.
I appreciate that Trump is actually willing to say that the Iraq War was a stupid mistake, but for me, he's easily the worst candidate in the race. He has never shown that he has any mastery of the issues, he puts forth no concrete plans, he shows an astonishing lack of maturity for a 69 year old man, does not have anything approaching the right temperament to be President, he has turned the national dialogue into a circus, he treats people like shit at his rallies and his campaign exploits some of the most base human characteristics. Not to mention that banning Muslims from entering the country is unamerican.
I find it very concerning that Trump has a legitimate shot at the Republican nomination.
I still think Trump is trolling everyone as he's never said anything he's saying now in the past. He even donated money to Hilary Clinton and other democrats at one point. It would be the biggest troll in the history of the world if he got the republican party to help put him in the white house as a democrat or more moderate republican.
The problem with hillary is that she will be a complete pushover. The congress and the establishment are going to take advantage of her so badly. So, that while she may market herself as a centrist right now. She is going to be definately right wing if she gets elected. Being little more than a puppet for the establishment. Allowing the establishment to screw over 99% of the country even more than they do now.
Sanders will be blocked by the congress, but at the same time, sanders will mostl ikely be able to make comprimises. Starting from the far left, but ending somewhere closer to the the left instead of the right where hillary's policiies will end. Not to mention her foreign policies... What the hell does she think she is doing?
All she will do is play right into ISIS's hands and make the situation even worse. Both in the middle east and bring us into another costly yet futile war.
Hillary will be a terrible president. And she contradicts herself all the time.
Trump's policies will probably for most of the part, be terrible for americans. With the exception of a few things. Such as weakening the establishment.
What he will succeed at is greatly improving the morale of Americans. He knows how to rally people up and raise morale. Especially in a fascist way. He will not be a complete pushover to the establishment and congress like Hillary will be. Hillary will be a repeat of America's mistakes.
I think he will greatly succeed at improving the morale of a certain kind of reactionary rightwing American, but not Americans in general.
Are you familiar with the Third Wave experiment?
^For such a liberal forum, this place is sure crawling with rightwing nuts.
I think we should put a rest to the whole "GameSpot OT is so liberal" myth.
The general populace here seems liberal. With maybe 2/3rds 3/4ths being left leaning.
But there certainly are a bunch of wingnuts here who do take stupidity to the next level. In the System Wars lounge, there was a small discussion of the massive ignorance going on here. Which people were the guys who were cited as being stupid and ignorant? Right wingers and other wingnuts.
And no, claiming to be libertarian, does not change that. I have seen so many far right conservatives. Who despite claiming to be libertarian want more government and to "repair the military" by investing more into it, despite the fact that the US military already takes up 54% of the US budget. You know which people I am talking about.
@mrbojangles25: in an answer to your question, the democrats have done a terrible job with the government. Look at Obama. Oh and if you like watching babies die, then go ahead and vote democrat. Oh and people freaking out when gays are discriminated (even if they aren't) and people saying everything is racist. Funny, that liberals like you who don't support our troops vote for idiots like Bernie. And trump is the only candidate who funds himself by the way
Some would say that facts have a liiberal bias, but I disagree. Its just that the US's right wing is pants on head idiotic.
^For such a liberal forum, this place is sure crawling with rightwing nuts.
I think we should put a rest to the whole "GameSpot OT is so liberal" myth.
yeah, i think numbers-wise Gamespot is liberal, but god damn, there is a very very very very vocal minority of right wingers here
@mrbojangles25: in an answer to your question, the democrats have done a terrible job with the government. Look at Obama. Oh and if you like watching babies die, then go ahead and vote democrat. Oh and people freaking out when gays are discriminated (even if they aren't) and people saying everything is racist. Funny, that liberals like you who don't support our troops vote for idiots like Bernie. And trump is the only candidate who funds himself by the way
I do look at Obama, as an example to follow, and a person that leads well.
I don't like watching babies die, but I do support a woman's right to all forms of healthcare.
Are we not supposed to freak out when conservative members of the government actively discriminate against Americans simply because they enjoy the company of the same sex? "Oh yeah, you are an American, it's just you're gay and that goes against my religious beliefs, so I am going to make that state-policy says you can't have the same rights as real Americans" That's the gist of pretty much every conservative, and most republicans, and it's wrong. Insert "like's vanilla ice cream" for "likes the same sex" in any argument and you realize how stupid the anti-gay argument is.
Traditionally, Democrats are for spending more supporting our troops; just because democrats might oppose a stupid, poorly planned war started by an inexperienced liar from Texas, does not mean Democrats do not support the brave souls that fight in those wars. Last time I checked, liberals actively support veteran health care while conservatives want to gut it....just like they want to get everything, from your right to choose to your school systems to just about everything.
Trump does not fund himself. He is not self-made. He has been bailed out numerous times, lies, won't release his tax records (gee, I wonder why?) despite being a "birther" and demanding others release documents as well...Trump is not someone to admire.
I really just do not comprehend the conservative mind. Conservatives are all about taking away; taking away funding for important things, taking away our rights, and so forth. Conservatives don't want their to be a choice: a choice to abort a pregnancy, a choice to marry someone of the same sex, and a choice to do so much more. Conservatives want everything to be their way, no questions ask. They can't comprehend the notion of "I hate what you say, but will defend your right to say it", they want to stifle everything that does not fall into their distorted religiously-founded views.
Pro-choice hurts no one; you can get an abortion, or you don't. Your choice! Works for conservatives and liberals.
Pro gay-marriage hurts no one; you can marry the same sex and enjoy the same benefits as heterosexual couples, or you don't. WOrks for both sides!
Conservatives are about as anti-American and oppressive as a faction of people can get now in the US. I am thoroughly convinced that if they are not gone in the next few elections, they are going to become a serious threat to domestic peace; they already block political progress in Congress and the Senate, and it will only get worse.
The conservative vision is not a world that welcomes the rational American.
@mrbojangles25: mantis really wasted your time writing that because, if anyone is stupid it's people who vote for Bernie and never have a good reason to insult trump
jokes on you; my time is worthless! MUAHAHAHAHAA..haha...errm, yeah...
@mrbojangles25: mantis really wasted your time writing that because, if anyone is stupid it's people who vote for Bernie and never have a good reason to insult trump
Psycological projection. Studies have shown that if any suppoirter group is ignornat. It is the trump supporters.
Which is probably why he can get away with all the times he is wrong. And he is often wrong.
@Maroxad: showing me stuff from Washington post? Nice job showing me lies
I can do this all day.
The fact is, Trump appeals to lesser minds. Comparatively speaking, Sanders main audience lies primarily to those interested in politics. Due to lacking celebrity status and publicity. Those who are not politically active or interested, will generally be ignornat of sanders or be dissuaded by the media. Which attempts to paint him in a negative light.
@Maroxad: you can do this all day because of have no life. And lesser minds?!?? XD do you know anything about socialism?!
You know, you're responding too, so it is pretty hypocritical of you to criticize about people not having lives.
And yeah, I know a thing or two about socialism. I know, for example, that it works in most countries. I know that you can have socialist traits in a country and not have to be unconditionally socialist. I know "socialism" is not the four-letter word in the US that it was during the Cold War, and anyone that tries to scare someone by using the word "socialist" is a dated, backwards, ignorant fear-mongerer.
@evanmorrowind: So you are just trolling then. Knew it :)
But playing along. Your post examplify exactly what I meant about Trump Supporters being ignornat. What sanders supports is a social democracy system, which is a combination of capitalism and socialism. Done to the point to prevent it from becoming corporatism, and maintain competitiveness in the economy.
The question here is, do you know anything about socialism. Because if you mistook Social Democracy as socialism. It is you who do not understand socialism.
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