I mean, it just blows my mind that everything we see took millions of years to develop the way it did, most features of Earth have been around longer than we have, and even before those there were others that were destroyed and/or changed over time. I mean, it's just crazy to think that we just happen to occupy a very small time frame on this constantly changing and evolving planet. I mean, there are things like huge jungles that are mostly unexplored:
And other places have the same thing, but have evolved differently due to climate:
And in one part of the world, there is a huuuuuuuuuge desert:
All because of these huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge mountains miles away:
And things like sand, water, minerals, animals, etc, have (over a very large amount of time) have created things like:
Not to mention the insane underwater caves that sustained the Mayans.
Even something like volacoes can create things amazing things like:
Not even mentioning the biodiversity, or how everything depends on everything else.
So, does the Earth blow your mind?
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