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ahh whatever its the internet. Grade 4. Had to pee, took some kleenex pretended to blow my nose, put it down my pants, peed, threw in trash, repeat till i could hold it till the rest of the day:oops: wow kids huh :P
I've never heard of that method before....ahh whatever its the internet. Grade 4. Had to pee, took some kleenex pretended to blow my nose, put it down my pants, peed, threw in trash, repeat till i could hold it till the rest of the day:oops: wow kids huh :P
[QUOTE="Thessassin"]I've never heard of that method before....i was smart enough to improvise, and also my teacher wasnt letting me go! i didnyt just do that for fun!ahh whatever its the internet. Grade 4. Had to pee, took some kleenex pretended to blow my nose, put it down my pants, peed, threw in trash, repeat till i could hold it till the rest of the day:oops: wow kids huh :P
I've never once fouled my pants.
Probably when my sister and a friend convinced me to tell them who I liked, in grade 6, about 20 minutes later when school started everyone knew. =/ Back in those days we sat at the same desk (4 people to a big desk) and she sat right across from me.
She never said anything about it, but I know she knew. =/
I used to pride myself on thinking up stupid solutions to the little problems I had. Like once, I got stuck in a locker (my friends and I were getting in lockers during science class because we were doing group projects and the teacher wasn't paying attention), so instead of asking for help, I broke the mechanical parts on the inside whcih opened the door and pushed my way out of the locker. No one ever found out (except a select few whom I told).ahh whatever its the internet. Grade 4. Had to pee, took some kleenex pretended to blow my nose, put it down my pants, peed, threw in trash, repeat till i could hold it till the rest of the day:oops: wow kids huh :P
[QUOTE="Tiefster"]zomg repressed me on this doll where the no armed man touched you!harashawnHow can a man with no arms touch me?? With his feet? Phantom limbs? I don't know I'm pretty messed up right now. It makes me think of a story though, my buddy was sitting in traffic and there was a traffic cop with one arm directing traffic and my friend said "mommy mommy the one armed man did it!" only to realize his window was down.
My little brother made me mad as we were all sitting down to watch one of the Star Wars movies. So I pulled him aside, he had to be around 4, and told him mom and dad wanted him to pee on our little sister who was laying on the floor. He did, everyone went bats@$%, and I ended up grounded and missed the movie. Bad idea, but everyone in gets a big kick out of that story now.btaylor2404
That is truly hilarious,
anyway when i was five and had just started school i remember i really needed to go to the bathroom but i was scared that the bathroom door would close on me and i wouldnt be able to open it (these were big wooden doors) so i couldnt hold it anylonger and i wet myself when all the other kids asked what it was i said someone had thrown paint on my jeans and thats why there were dark patches....
or there was that time we were blowing bubbles with straws in cups of dyed water, one of the bubbles got really big and burst in my face and somehow when it burst the dye came off and formed a perfect purple mustauche above my lip that looked like the lions mustauche out of the wizard of oz... all the kids pointed and laughed at me and i didnt know what the fuss was until after school when i finaly looked in a mirror and saw it
Phantom limbs? I don't know I'm pretty messed up right now. It makes me think of a story though, my buddy was sitting in traffic and there was a traffic cop with one arm directing traffic and my friend said "mommy mommy the one armed man did it!" only to realize his window was down.TiefsterHow can I gain these phantom limbs? :o
[QUOTE="Tiefster"]Phantom limbs? I don't know I'm pretty messed up right now. It makes me think of a story though, my buddy was sitting in traffic and there was a traffic cop with one arm directing traffic and my friend said "mommy mommy the one armed man did it!" only to realize his window was down.harashawnHow can I gain these phantom limbs? :o
Ask this guy. After all, his name is PHANTOM LIMB.
This is a story about my sister:
We were at this hotel we go to annually, and she didn't want to leave. So she took my mom's camera and started taking pictures of all the stuff in the room... and she was about
to take a bath, and she took a picture of the mirror.
So we got the pictures developed, and theres a picture of my little sister, naked.
When I was 15 my friend told me a joke and I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. Naturally, I found this hilarious and couldn't stop laughing. This went on for well over a minute and my face went purple haha. Apparently you can die from doing that but to be honest its my preferred way to go :P
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