Anyone here have a dream that seems so real and is so vivid it bothers you for a day or two? I had a dream the other night that still kind of bothers me when I think about it. Be warned, this is kind of a long story with some really strange stuff in it. I'm actually a pretty normal person, but you wouldn't know that by simply reading about the dream I had.
It started out with me living in some apartment that I didn't recognize. I assume it was my apartment, but in the living room area some girl I didn't recognize was sitting on the couch. I looked up and I noticed this extremely intricate rail system that had various kitchen appliances on tracks hanging upside down. I pressed a button on the wall and my sink moved on a track, up the wall and to the ceiling. Then a dishwasher rolled across the ceiling, down the wall, and eventually took the place of the sink.
The next thing I remember is going outside into this couryard area. It was nightime and I was led to what seemed to be a hotel room by this girl who was sitting on the couch a little earlier. She proceeded to stand on the bed and she appeared to be in some sort of trance. The door shut by itself behind me. Suddenly, a series of blades came from the ceiling litterally slicing the girl into pieces. For some reason I wasn't surprised by this. At the foot of the bed was a computer monitor next to what looked like a wood chipper that had a pipe leading to a hole underneath the bed. The monitor was displaying something that I couldn't quite make out, but it appeared to be moving. The next thing I know, I hear this voice reverberate in the room like I was in a concert hall. It simply kept chanting in a slow, method, deep gravely voice.."The Blood" "The Blood" "The Blood". What bothered me the most, though, was the smell. I could actually smell this rancid odor that if I had to describe was a rich metallic smell mixed with sulfur and decay. I then started taking pieces of the sliced up woman and tossing them in this wood chipper contraption and the voice became more excited and rapid. Then I remember this deep fear coming over. I don't recall ever being this scared in my life. I ran out of the hotel room and back into what I guess was my apartment.
Ater I went into my apartment, I closed all the window shades and locked the door. Shortly after, I heard a knock. Of coarse, I answered the door and someone draped in a long hooded cloak type outfit let themself in. I stepped back and the cloak fell away and it was the woman who had been sliced up and thrown in the chipper, but her eyes were a deep black and she had scabs all over her body all the while she reeked of death. She said she was thirsty, so so thirsty. I must had decided, what the hell, so I went into the kitchen, pressed the button, and had the sink go back into its original place replacing the dishwasher. I got a glass of water, took it to the girl, and she slowly put her mouth up to my ear and stuck it into my ear like a skewer. It actually felt like something piercing my brain. I remember at that point knowing it was dream, but I was unable to wake up, and it felt like I was actually convulsing uncontrollably in real life.
That's all I remember, but on a scale of 1-10, how messed up is that? Has anyone else had a dream that still bothers them days later?
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