In the latest issuance from his nonstop e-mail machine, Thompson turns his attentionĀ to Wendy's CEO Kerri Anderson.Ā What'sĀ Thompson's gripe? Obesity? Cholesterol? The Frostys are too thick to suck throughĀ a straw?
Nah. It's Rockstar's upcoming Manhunt 2. So just what is Wendy's connection with Manhunt 2? There isn't one, unless you connect the dots the way Jack Thompson connects the dots.
With essentially no one left to sue, Thompson has latched onto a Wendy's promotional tie-in with Nintendo Wii toysĀ (pictured at left).Ā The issue seems to be that:
a.) Manhunt 2 is what Thompson calls a "murder simulator"
b.) Manhunt 2 will appear on the Wii (among other systems)
c.) Wendy's is promoting the Wii, therefore;
d.) Wendy's is promoting Manhunt 2, which promotes murder
Thompson also claims to have the inside track on what deceased Wendy' founder Dave Thomas would have wanted in this regard:
A dear friend of mine worked for Wendy's and with Dave Thomas closely for years.Ā From that I know that Dave Thomas never would have tolerated the use of Wendy's good name to promote Nintendo's Wii, not with this game available on the Wii platform.Ā Ā
So, second hand, friend-of-a-friend info on the inner thoughts of a dead guy. Is that what passes for evidence in Thompson's world these days?
Funny, though. None of the toys depicted on the Wendy's site seem to be from Manhunt 2. In fact, they all look rather E-rated.
Just to be clear here, Thompson has neither sued nor has he threatened to sue Wendy's. However, he has been making noises of late about an international movement to block the publication of Manhunt 2, with detailsĀ coming next week. Sounds to GP as though Thompson and British Parliamentarian Keith Vaz, another Manhunt critic, will be teaming up.
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