After he was crucified he came back to life. So Jesus was a zombie. Alot of zombie topics today and 679/693 of them are mine.
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Yup, and I will be too one day. Go read 1 Corinthians 15 if you want the details. :P For some of you, you now have more incentive to become a Christian. Don't be shameful of it! :Pmindstorm
Does it have to do with our bodies going to heaven one day? I don't have a Bible next to me atm. =/
[QUOTE="mindstorm"]Yup, and I will be too one day. Go read 1 Corinthians 15 if you want the details. :P For some of you, you now have more incentive to become a Christian. Don't be shameful of it! :PWiiMan21
Does it have to do with our bodies going to heaven one day? I don't have a Bible next to me atm. =/
The chapter deals with Christ's resurrection, the believers' resurrection, and shows that they are indeed important.
I thought he was a mummy.
He's the mummy, zombie, and unholy vampire.
I'm pretty sure that's how trinitarianism works.
I thought he was a mummy.
He's the mummy, zombie, and unholy vampire.
I'm pretty sure that's how trinitarianism works.
My mind = blownTechnically, if the myth is considered true, he was not undead, but resurrected supernaturally. But anyways, where's mah shotgoon! :x
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