What do you think the next popular civil rights movement will be about? I'm guessing at some point there will be one about unhealthy food. I would expect a debate on the matter to go something like this:
Junk food abolitionist:You have no right to feed us this filth. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, and your food is what's causing it. Our children are facing an obesity epidmic and it's your fault.
Food salesperson:I don't force people to buy my product. Anyone who doesn't want to eat my food doesn't have to.
Junk food abolitionist:How dare you try and shrug the responsibility off on someone else. My children shouldn't have to be exposed to your garbage.
Food salesperson:I don't force people to buy my product. Anyone who doesn't want to eat my food doesn't have to.
It seems there's already a movement to ban unhealthy food from schools in America. Is it acceptable for the government to tell us what food we can or cannot sell/buy? Does the government have any business choosing our diets for us?
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