Something just went down on Jupiter. Monday morning, at 11:35:30 UT, amateur astronomers glimpsed a brief but blazing flash of light in the upper reaches of the planet's cloudy atmosphere. If past observations are any indication, Jupiter may have just sustained a major impact event. If that's the case, the gas giant may have just saved Earth from a devastating cosmic collision.
"We'll have to wait and see if a dark spot develops inside the southern regions of the NEB over the next day or two," writes Peterson in his forum post. These spots,according to Cosmic Log's Alan Boyle, would be "a sure sign" that an asteroid or comet had been drawn to the planet by its strong gravitational tug. But here's something I was surprised by: according to Boyle, Jupiter may have just saved Earth or some other planet from its own impact event. This is the third time since 2009 amateur astronomers have witnessed an impact flash on Jupiter. The massive gas giant, which exerts considerable gravitational pull, is something of a cosmic whipping boy in our solar system, regularly shielding inner planets like Earth from potential collisions. Writes Boyle:
Thank you, based Jupiter!
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