It was a pretty good movie. Good acting, good script, decent action too. It's probably the most realistic monster movie you'll find. It really makes you feel like you're part of the whole thing, which is freaky. Word of warning, people who get motion sickness easily shouldn't see this film. Definitely worth seeing at the cinemas for the best experience.
The monster looks nothing like the pictures people have posted here, so kudos to JJ Abrams for keeping it well hidden. That said, it looks quite odd.
A nice little teaser quote for you all, "Whatever it is, it's winning."
Oh, and the spoiler HTML won't work so I can't hide it. Just scroll past! Description of the monster and plot details below!
There is no explanation as to where the monster came from.
It looks a bit like the Rancor from Return of the Jedi, but with very long forearms that it stands on and a very long tail.
It kicks a lot of ass. They're forced to nuke it in the end.
A lot of people die. A lot.
It does drop little things, which you get to see plenty of. They are not parasites, but miniature versions of itself. They can infect people which makes something burst from their stomach (it's not shown directly).
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